Yesterday after making an Angel of myself in my back yard I ventured off to visit my cousin who had just got back from being at her bach at Waihi Beach. Yeah the one with all the containers strewn all over it from that lovely ship RENA!!! I did manage a rather fast trip round the city Salvo on my way to hers but not alot to report on. But she told me I looked lovely, awwwwwwww so nice of her. So here I am in all my Angelness.
Apple Green frock TCD from their outlet store in Tirau, Trelise Cooper over top from Dressmart, Reikers embroidered shoes from trade me, Mala beads from Buddha Lounge at Whangamata.
Today the Russian Ballet. A whole other story. was Suesday with my buddy the other Sue. We met through or sons being mates when they were at High School,and they are great mates still. Michael her son thought we would get along really well, now he feels we get along TOO well, and refers to us as Sue Squared!! Anyway enough of him. We had to go Te Awa the huge shopping Mall not far from mine. The other Sue is have problems with Vodaphone and they weren't too helpful today so they will be getting told where to put their broadband very soon. To calm her down we took in a few shops. I have been wearing these shorts things under my dresses that I got from Glassons and she wanted some. They help with the "sweaty thigh" factor on hot days!! When I was a slip of a girl we called these pants "Witches Britches" so being the Witch that I am it only seemed natural that I would wear them again. While in said shop I found socks with Russian Dolls on, and I have a thing for Russian dolls. Have a few very old ones that I have scored over the years, first one I got when going to see So back to shopping we ditched the Mall scene and went to Save Mart, Habitat and a handful of other op shops we frequent. I scored all of this.

Pastel paisley footless tights $4-99, beaded shoes $3, necklace $3-99, paper mache container $1-99, socks $3-50 a pair, butterfly scissors $1-99, Buddha hanging charm $1-99.
Today I wore another gorgeous new frock out with my favourite turquoise and red coral necklace that I have owned for at least a hundred years. I thought of Helga when I was being "looked over" by a lady. The funny part about this is that unbeknown to me I had some melted chocolate on the back of the skirt so to some it could of and probably did look like at some point in my day I had lost control of myself and had had an unsafe fart!! I remember now how last night on the way home from the supermarket with TOF how he dropped some chocolate that he was eating between his legs while driving up home. Well I found it or should I say my generous arse found it on the seat today!!!! And he thinks its funny!!
Well what goes on behind me that I don't know about cannot hurt me so chocolate impersonating a dodgy fart is not an issue!!!