Friday, 17 February 2012

Projects and Purchases!!

Firstly I would like to say that I completed the last two tasks on my to do list last night, so excuse me for a while as I pat myself on my back!!  Thanks.  Right firstly I had a crack at a colourful headband, after being inspired by Helga and Sarah, and I got somewhat carried away, had super glue on my fingers, flowers all over the room and it turned out slightly OTT.  My model is Hannah, my doll I bought myself when I realsied I would never be the mother of a daughter, so as a piss take I bought me a baby.  So many stories to tell on that, but they shall have to wait.   The boys all hate her.

This is actually the back side of the headband, but its a wear either way sort really.

And this is the front.

My perfect daughter, still in the nappy she came in, never complains, always where I leave her, costs nothing to feed.......I could go on.  Another day tho'.

Now this is my necklace which I made ear rings to match the other week.  This is my Frida necklace as in Khalo.  I am stoked and hope to debut this little beauty at the wedding.  Have my dress sorted, tuelle slip to go underneath, 2 pairs of shoes to choose from and this necklace.  Just hope it all goes together as I envisage it all.  Let you know tomorrow, may even treat you all to a photo!!!

Anyway, off late I have been doing a bit of buying off trade me.  My most favourite thing would have to be my tea cosy.  There is this truly talented knitter out there that basically creates tea cosies.  I watch and watch and this week I finally got to win one.  So me and the Webster woman put it through its paces today before we headed off on our SuesDay. 

Isn't it GORGEOUS!!
The Tea Cosy!!!

These shoes I got off Trade Me and have to chose which pair to wear tomorrow, I am strongly leaning towards the ones with flowers but the silver ones are nice also.  Kind of a wait till I am dressed thing and see which I think is best.  I could ask TOF but he will go Yes to both pairs, he only gets interested if its showing a bit of boob!!

 So today was SuesDay so after our cuppa we set off to take in a few shops.  I scored this original painting for $6 at the Salvo in town.  The poppies are beautiful, may put another frame around it yet.  But I really quite like it and its a decent size and all.

At Habitat us Sues found 2 of these tops.  Often there is 2 of something and we always have a good old laugh because they are usually down right horrid, but these were an ok buy.  We have a cunning plan which involves us dressing identical and visiting our sons that flat together.  I only had kids to take the piss!!  Wonder if they will even notice??  

 Then I found this Caftan, in a Bali print cotton.  I may treat you to a photo of me in it if it looks alright but if it doesn't I shall pass it on.  Too good to leave behind at only $5 and it is brand new.  The fabric could always be recreated into something else.

We had lunch in town in Biddy Muligans Irish pub, and Sue chatted up the young Irish barman who was taking our order, slappa!!!  Just coz her Joe is away!!!  We went to Davids Emporium which is like an old general store/Aladdin cave all rolled into one.  It has been in the main part of town for at least 30 years if not longer and is such a cool place to check out.  If you have a fancy dress do to go to it is so the place to buy wigs, hats, fake boobs, you name it they have it.  Today we stuck to ric rac and other trimmings.  I bought some trimming to go on my standard lamp to Zhoosh it up!!!  Think I will have to succumb and use a glue gun for that.

Have yourselves a great weekend!!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

That doll scares the shit outta me! :D
Another good day! I reckon we should head out to Cambridge again soon, or Te Awamutu cos we still haven't gone there yet :D

Unknown said...

Sue! I agree with Othersue - that doll is freeeaky - we wanna see the fab floral headpiece modelled on YOU not that creepy doll! How fun is hot glue??

The necklace ROCKS MY WORLD! I abso-frickin-lutely LOVE it and cannot wait to see your pics!

The tea cosy is specTACular.

Now - down to business:

1 I will send you an ACTUAL HUMAN FEMALE BABY if you remove the word verification from comments. You won't get spam, but you will get my undying love. Promise.

2 Since you do not provide your email address anywhere on your blog or profile (wink wink nudge nudge) could you please email me as I have a big THANK YOU for you (

You ROCK the casbah. Sarah xxx

Vix said...

That kaftan is gorgeous!!! I want to see you in it along with that floral necklace and awesome head band, please!
That tea cosy is the bomb, Helga would wear that on her head.
Matchy-outfits would be hilarious! x