Monday, 12 March 2012

photos as promised and TOFs off....

... a few weeks ago on an annual SuesDay we had a guest with us who just happened to pack her camera!!  She finally got round to emailing through said photos:

Sue, Kue (Kerry) and my good self found 3 sets of bunnies ears which we gladly modeled to the amusement of the shop owner.  And know we did not buy them.  Sue found me a set with penises on which I wore but due to living in a house full of such things and working in a place full of such things, they weren't really me!! I think that is called penis overload!!

Sometimes I think I should get a job working with women but I don't think I could do it.  So will stick to my SuesDays out for the girlie stuff.

We found these blood red bridesmaid dresses but no wedding gown so there goes the plan to renewal of your wedding vows Mrs Webber!!!

And TOF is home on holiday for the week.  He announced this to me yesterday.  One of those, "you didn't tell me that" moments, where he replied with "well I'm telling you now".  So I told him we can go for a walk in this Arboretum which will be great for photo taking and he just glazed over and said "wow I can't wait"!!!  He will do it though because he is going fishing one of the days.  As long as he doesn't climb the peach or apple tree again I will be happy.  I am a little over the kitchen!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...


Anonymous said...

Double Snap!!

Vix said...

Helga and I were talking about Suesday this morning and we both want to join you so much! Penis head gear? I want proof! x

Helga said...

We were indeed talking about Suesday and how much we want to join you,especially if you're going to carry on with bunny ears,penises and blood red bridesmaids frocks!!!
Ha,the old not telling you trick.Or it's the "you didn't tell me" trick.....Silly feckers!