Monday, 2 April 2012

Trolls or Gonks?

When I was a child (100 years ago) these were pretty cool toys and everyone had them.  We called them Gonks but I think they are really called Trolls?  Today I came across this group of tiny ones, 6cm including the mop of fluro hair, (2 1/4") and decided I needed them for my china cabinet that doesn't have an awful lot of china in it!!  Mine is more of a memories cabinet.

I am thinking how cool they could be made into a necklace!!

Quite liking the thought of a short week.  Rather enjoy getting paid NOT to go to work!!  So roll on Easter break, gotta love the four day weekend!!

♥  Toodles  ♥


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Gonks! I think I had one! Can't remember though, I was a deprived child! But I had a Sindy doll! :D

Sparkysmum said...

They are trolls. Honks had no body just fur and and eyes.

Sparkysmum said...

Gonks not honks! Ha ha

Unknown said...

They was always called GONKS in the UK 1970s