Sunday, 23 September 2012

get your groove on

Yesterday afternoon I toddled off to the Hispanic Festival like I said I would.  Such a glorious day to be out in the beauty that is our Hamilton Gardens.  The nicest thing happened to me it did.   I was sitting in the sun just taking in the moment when I was approached by a lovely lady asking if I was Sue.  This lovely woman turned out to be Kay, who follows my blog unbeknown to me, and thought she recognized me.  How cool was that.  She said she felt like a stalker, well I say STALK away Kay.  So nice to meet you!!

This is Turtle Lake at the Gardens which is by the Pavilion where the festival was taking place.  There was lots of people milling about outside, relaxing on the grass, buying tasty Hispanic food, and like me waiting for it all to start.  Inside there were a few stalls of Traditional things and the stage all set waiting for the dancing. It began with a Parade of National flags that were drummed in.  The drumming was so amazing, fantastic beat that you couldn't help moving to even if it was just your fingers tapping in time on a railing.  So fabulous loud rhythmic drumming, whistles and tambourine type things.  What a happy bunch of musicians they were.

Inside the Pavilion where the stage was set up the roof is draped in fabric and it always looks like this and it is amazing.

The Parade led by the drummers, and one of the many cosy places to sit and ponder the world.

Drummers and Flag bearers cross one of the bridges to the Pavilion where plenty of people were waiting and watching.

These guys were such fantastic entertainers.  I took so many more photos of them and the dancers inside but as Helga and others would say, "ARSEBISCUIT" I managed to delete them some how so I can only tell you about what went on inside not show you.  For starters there was 6 gorgeous girls in their Peasant tops and long skirts doing a very up beat dance and they looked so beautiful.  Then there was the amazingly dressed lady who played a guitar while a Flamenco dancer did her bit on the dance floor.  Both these women were dressed in ruffles and polka dots.  HEAVEN for someone like me that loves polka dots and the odd ruffle!!!  Of course there were the cutest little Spanish girls who mother was more than happy for me to photograph her adorable pre-school darlings all dressed in Traditional Spanish dresses.  SIGH!!  Next year I am so taking my other lens for my camera and I will not cook up the transferring of photos from my camera to my computer.  I will also be taking CASH so I can sample some of the food.  It all looked so delicious.

My wonderful Saturday then carried on into a wonderful Saturday night.  TOF and I went to our good friends Rob and Robyn for a good old fashioned roast.  TOF and Rob went to school together, well high school so aged about 14 when they met.  Robyn is a fantastic cook and let me tell you the Lamb was to die for!!!  Of course this was all consumed with a reasonable amount of booze and followed on with a tasty desert of home made Apple Crumble and other delectable treats.  I was on the Lemon Lime and Bitters as I am the driver on these outings.  Usually we end up playing cards, us gals take on the half cut blokes and whip them good and proper.  But last night we were catching up and laughing so much that we ran out of time.  TOF was tired so we retired and came home around 11.30pm.  I know, he is such a night owl, NOT!!!

Rob, Apple Crumble and TOF.

A bowl that was full of lollies to eat while we played cards, but we didn't play cards, and I think I ate too much licorice and don't ask how I know!!

I would love to have put that bowl in my bag!!

Me with the lovely Robyn.  We get on so well and always have a great time when we get together.  Now that our kids aren't hanging about we can have such pleasant evenings.

They came round today to get some of my vegetable and flower seedlings.  I have plenty to share!!

Today has been an at home day catching up on the endless washing.  Pottering about in the garden and rearranging the furniture on my deck.  I even managed to hang my necklace hanger up.  Only got it for Mothers Day!!!

The weekend is in the last stages now, but I have to say it has been a very relaxing and enjoyable one.  Meeting new people and catching up with old friends.  What more could I ask for??  Nothing, that's what, it was perfect.

         Live, Laugh, Love


Vix said...

That Hispanic festival looked brilliant, I love me a bit of tapas so I'd be all over those food stalls hunting out olives and tortilla, mmm! xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I am so coming with you next year! Annd I got my necklace hanger up yesterday too! :D