Sunday, 11 November 2012

You can teach an old dog new tricks

Big thank you to Op Shop Mama for her advise on a cool site called Pic Monkey!!!  I am now proof that age is no barrier.  Hope I have made her proud!!

As I was watering my garden over the weekend I was excited to see that my Poppies and Sweet Peas are in bud.  The part of my garden where I threw a packet of wildflower seeds is looking decidedly WILD!!  My Beetroot will be ready to pull and bottle in weeks.  My Carnations and Pansies are blooming gorgeous!!!  And my Iris is doing its thing on the deck!! Hopefully very soon I will have beautiful big red poppies to share and multitudes of colourful fragrant Sweet Peas.  I love this time of the year!!!  The garden is just going off!!  I have just bid and won some cobble stones so I will be doing some edging this week.

On Saturday TOF headed of to go hunting and gathering for the family like the caveman he thinks he is.  Actually he went fishing, and came home with a bounty of fresh fish.  We had some smoked for lunch and crumbed fillets with a huge fresh salad for our dinner.  Thanks TOF, you are the man!!  Jak  headed off to cricket so I went and visited my sister who had her grandsons staying.  I forgot how much kids argue at that age!  I say leave them too it.  When mine were small and argued and then came whining to me I would say do you want to sort it out or shall I?  If I was to sort it they would both get a smack (thank god the anti smacking bullshit wasn't in then) and they would be sent off too their rooms to chill out.  Guess what, they started sorting it out for themselves!!  There is always two sides to a story and if you don't witness the entire thing how can you referee it all?  Anyway, these little blokes played quite happily with the swing ball while we chatted.  The rest of my weekend was spent checking in on cricket games both days, because I am still going for mother of the year 2012.  Also did my domestic bit as in washing and stuff.  Now it is all over red rover and the week is upon us all.  So I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and have a bearable week to get on with.  May the glorious weather continue!!

Picmonkey is the best
so thanks Linda!!


Unknown said...

Your garden is looking BEAUTIFUL! And yay for pics I can see!!! Sarah xxx

Vix said...

Loving the bigger pics, Picmonkey is da bomb!
Your garden looks gorgeous and so envious of the sunshine! xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Cool pics, and thanks for the link. Must have a play with that a but later. First though gotta do me chores! :D

OP SHOP MAMA said...

No worries! A little bit addictive so look out!
Love that Iris! Always been my favourite fleur. (Irises and Zinnias are my faves, in case you're interested. You're welcome)

Have a nice suesday tomorrow.