Monday, 27 May 2013

Wearing Vintage in Autumn with a Full Moon thrown in.

I love Autumn, it is one of my favourite seasons, with Spring coming a close 2nd. I prefer the in between seasons I do, not too hot, not too cold. Over the last week when I have been out and about doing what ever I have been doing I couldn't help notice all the glorious colours of Autumn.
Just driving around on a dull day the colours were inviting me to photograph them, but driving and taking photos at the same time is somewhat hazardous to say the least.
I adore the different stages the leaves are going through right now, all those colour changes before they fall gently to the ground and rot away!!  My old granny used to rake up leaves and put them into supermarket bags, stab a few holes in them and throw them into her garden under the trees to rot down.  She  used to end up with the most amazing soil from her rotten leaves. All for free and totally organic.
Even the moon has been in Full bloom!!  Like a giant torch in the night sky, in fact I even mowed my lawns in the dark, yes I did!!  Don't panic, I own a hand mower so no one lost sleep over my mowing.  I have put some colourful solar lights in the Koru garden so it is visible at night and it does look lovely when the solar lights are casting their soft glow over the Koru.
And today I pranced about my back garden in my Vintage frock in all its Autumnal colour glory. TOF is away for the week with work so it is just me and the young son at home (and he picked up another building job so all is back on track for him).  Chicken soup with feta and basil scones for our din dins tonight!!  Yes I made the scones, (Edmonds just add water) but I made them and thank you very much Campbells for the most delicious soup!!  We are thinking filo parcels with relish for tomorrow.


MILEX said...

how amazing!

Vix said...

What a gorgeous dress, you look wonderful and very autumnal! x

OP SHOP MAMA said...

STUNNING dress, You look great in that. Totally rocking it.

I love the in between seasons too. But today in between it AINT!!! Winter has arrived today eh Sue?!!! Far out.

I assume your Granny did that when supermarket bags were paper.. (man I miss those bags!) What a good idea..

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Autumn has fecked orf! :( Winter has arrived today with a vengence! Brr! You should see the fecking awesome socks I just bought :D

Helga said...

I have been missing all the awesome shit!!!
I freaking LOVE LOVE LOVE your frock, it's beautiful, and what's better is that you are totally gorgeous in it!
Autumn is lovely, but we have just had Winter hit with a BANG here...ugh...! But we are warm and cosy, so what the hell.
Your koru garden is divoon....I do lament that I don't seem to have my parents green thumbs..maybe it will come! Now, mowing?! I don't do it! I like to watch G do it whilst I sip a cocktail....but I expect it's rather empowering. I just don't like noisy power tool things, they freak me out a bit!