Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Well I'm not learning to fly a plane!

that could have been interesting to say the least,
because I am not that keen on driving really.

And I'm not training to be an air hostess!
That's incredibly lucky for passengers.

But with my new job that I started yesterday, I go the the airport once a week for a secret mission, a drug deal, a??? Ok I cannot tell a lie or even make up something remotely interesting.  I restock pamphlets on New Zealand and things to do in the Waikato, touristy stuff.  Wipe a few monitors down, probably have a good look around the place and then beetle on back to work.  But it is a pleasant drive in the countryside for a few minutes.

Oh and the new job is lovely.  Sole charge two mornings a week with a nice little walk to the post office that has 3 op shops right near by, and my own little reception area.  It is all rather comfy and lovely, I will pimp it when I have been there a few more times.  It really does need the Sue Touch!!  The blokes are all very nice, good senses of humour, a must, and pretty laid back bunch.  I think I will be happy.  This is only for a year while the other lady is on maternity leave.  Sweet, ,might be ready for another move by then, who knows.

How fabulous was the night sky the other night at my places.  Started all bluish and next thing with the sun setting it went all pink and purple, which just proves the sun is female!!

No shopping to report as my op shop money is going to be buying BEER and stuff for the next few weeks for the BIG 21st!! 

Don't work too hard now while I put my feet up for FIVE days in a row!!!

I only work TWO DAYS
then get FIVE DAYS

Oh yeah!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

It's like a working week in reverse! ;-) Glad it went well.

Connie said...

Oooooh such a pretty sky. A job close to shopping opportunities? Doesn't get much better.

Angels have Red Hair said...

Two days on and five days off … now that's what I call an acceptable working week. Glad you are enjoying it.

Peaches McGinty said...

I'm so chuffed your new work is fab! airport visits too! and your own reception, sounds posh! enjoy your 5 day rest, I think a 2 day week should be mandatory, I clearly am a workaholic as I work 3 days (ahem!!) x x x

Vix said...

Any job that involves regular visits to an airport is fab in my book, I love them! xxx

Helga said...

I do love to plan for a party, it's a pleasant diversion for opshopping money, much better than bills!
YAY, your new job sounds just PERFECT for you!!! XXXXXXXXXXX