Sunday, 23 March 2014

On the road again, and I have my own super hero.

Saturday morning was busy running around after the heir who had birthday money to spend and other things to do, so him and I went out.  We also finally took all the empty booze bottles to the dump recycling part.  While out I got TOF a couple new singlets.

He got this one
a Batman one.

So he asked me,
"what super hero do you want me to be for you?"

Super Hero TOF
scooped Oscar with one strong
super hero arm
and made him very
comfortable on his shoulder!!

We went for a drive to our friends 
that live in the country
for a visit in the afternoon.

Sheba has the back seat all to herself
as Oscar has to be up front on my knees.

 The countryside is still a little dry but the colours are beautiful.

Today we needed to go to Auckland to visit TOFs mum as she is turning 80 on the 5th of April but she will be away on a cruise at that time.  So we needed to go either today or next Sunday, so we booked in today.  The lads agreed to come with us as they realised they haven't seen their Nana for a few years.  But that happens when you are a teenager.

Off we set at lunch time with both the lads strapped safely in the back seat and both very under the weather. Yes HUNGOVER!!!How sad, both incredibly quiet with headphones in their ears listening to their jams.

With overcast weather the clouds brewing were looking ominous.  All the way up the motor way are signs telling you things you just might need to know.  Didn't see anyone working on the major roadworks tho'.

We stopped at Pokeno so TOF could buy some NZ famous Pokeno Bacon.  And bugger me if there wasn't a market happening.  Yes I wander over the road for a very quick look!!  TOF had a Zephyr when he was a young rebel like this one we saw parked up.
Next stop was on the Bombay Hills because hunger had struck the hungover folk so we decided we would grab some lunch.  Lads doing dirty old Mc Spew, me a salad sarnie, and TOF had himself a golf ball of fat, or in other words, a meat pie.  This cute as Morris Minor was in the car park, I learned to drive in one of those babies.

Getting back onto the motorway we went past ploughed fields, as this is spud and onion growing country, Pukekohe.  Another warning sign as a very small amount of rain, well drizzle has fallen.  How soft are these Aucklanders???  Harden the #*@& up you lot!!!

Our turn off from the motorway takes us past Rainbows End, New Zealands idea of a Theme Park.

Finally we arrive at TOFs mums retirement village.  Trust me it is massive and very very nice.  She has an apartment while her man has a two bedroom unit.  Both very nice spots.  We had taken a selection of muffins so had a cuppa and a feed in the dining room.  We gave MIL (mother in law) a silver engraved locket for her birthday and she was tickled pink.

 Time for some family photos in the beautiful gardens.

 Nana and her grandsons.

An old dear wanted to take a photo of all of us and it was a slight fail, but she did her best.

Inside this massive retirement village it is rather lovely.  Perfect for this age group, safe, comfortable and so many things on offer on 'campus' as TOF put it.  All sporting facilities, library, restaurant, hairdresser, movies, and many more.  Most of it is like an expensive hotel with lovely furniture placed in the halls and gorgeous art work, some for sale.

We said our goodbyes and got back out onto the motorway heading south back to the Tron.  The house in the photo to the left looked pretty yummo.  Past more ploughed and planted fields.

At the moment you still drive through Huntly, a small town that will be being by passed when the expressway is finished.  Quite sad for these small towns but I guess you would still go there if they have something to offer.  So maybe the folk that live there need to start thinking about making it a place to stop in at.

I love the old farm houses tucked in amongst huge native trees perched on a hill, Big boys toys standing dormant waiting for Monday when the big boys come to play, and there is nothing like a train flying past.

Back in the beautiful Waikato countryside, where we passed a field full of free range chickens just enjoying the great outdoors.

Lovely to be back home, the dogs were ecstatic!!

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend
and ready to face another week
doing whatever it is you do.


Curtise said...

Such lovely scenery where you live, Sue. And speaking of where people live, how cool is that retirement village? Pretty swanky, isn't it? Love the family pics, the flowers, the pets, and happy birthday to Nana! xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I dunno about retiring there, I could live there now!! She looks pretty hawt for 80 doesn't she. Gimme that dress you were wearing, gimme it now!! :D

Beth Waltz said...

And a good time had by all...! Thanks for sharing your family outing with those of us still gazing at snow drifts.

The silver locket was a charming idea, but one suspects Nana will treasure as much the family snaps, especially those with her grandsons.

Vix said...

What a trip - thanks for taking us along for the ride! x

Vix said...

What a trip - thanks for taking us along for the ride! x

Helga said...

How jolly splendid, a family day out, and one of them a Superhere, no less!
It's all rather gloriarse, and a great day for it!
A good pie is hard to resist.......

Angels have Red Hair said...

Excellent ... I feel like I went with you now :0)
I'm afraid I would have had the McSpew ... I'm a little ashamed to admit it ... but I quite like maccas.

Peaches McGinty said...

Happy Birthday Nana! what a gorgeous place to live, I think my MIL would love it there! love the pics and lucky you having a super hero! actually you have 2! I can't really eat Maccies any more, I would love a Pokeno bacon buttie though x x x

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