Sunday, 27 April 2014

Another long weekend is all but over.

Although it was a long weekend here, TOF had to work on Saturday and Sunday, so I got out and about all by myself!!  Saturday saw me attending Jak's rugby game, and for someone that hasn't played the game for a couple of years, he was pretty darn good. Sorry, had my 'proud mother hat' on then.  I took photos and then sent them to the lads (his mates that is) via their chat on face book, apparently they like it, so there you go.

Yep, that is mummies little half back clearing the ball from the scrum.

And that would be about it for technological rugby talk from me.  When I got home Tex was fast asleep in the middle of the garage floor so I had to leave the car outside.  No sense honking on the horn as he is as deaf as!  He finally awoke in time to have his dinner, stretch, piddle and then come inside to get comfortable for the evening. What a life!!

No guessing required for where I went today!!

Dawn invited me out to hers for lunch, her man was out of town, mine was working so it was a no brainer really.  Her lovely daughter arrived with her two children, so out came my camera.  Miss Four loves having her photo taken while Master Eleven was totally convinced it wasn't all that necessary, but obliged.   

The colours of the countryside were glorious today.
Toitoi clumps growing in the paddocks,
amongst grazing cows.

I could steel Miss Four!
One day hopefully
I will get to be a granny!!

One of the dogs assisting
with the vacuuming!

Oh yeah
Lunch was DIVINE.

Driving home, for some reason I decided to go to the lake, that would be Lake Rotoroa, the one in the middle of the city.  It is filling up with ducks and other water fowl as they know like the hunters that Duck Shooting Season is about to start. 

And those birds are all laughing!!

The baby Pukeko on the right was so cute, all gangly legs and fluff. 
Proud mum is on the left.

Big building on the left is Waikato Hospital.  On the right is a huge white house that I think may be finally finished being built.  You have to have some serious coin in your bank to live on the edge or have a fine view of the lake.  The best part is there is a walkway the entire way around the lake so you can walk or bike if you fell the urge.  

Not me!!

A lake full of happy birds indeed!!

Us Hamiltonians are lucky to have a Lake and a River,
Beautiful Parks and Gardens.
So many people were out today making the most 
of the lovely weather
and walkway around the lake.

Darling Jak bought his olds dinner tonight, Wendys takeaways that cost over $50!!  How do the young ones afford to live of takeaways is beyond me.  

But thanks Jak, you are a keeper!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Great photos luv, the wee girl is gorgeous, could we steal her for outings? And one day I will get you round that lake and not just half way!! lol

Leeanne said...

Beautiful post. Hamilton is a pretty city, lots to do & look at. I like New Plymouth for those reasons too.
The wee girl isn't shy of the camera.

Angels have Red Hair said...

Fantastic photo of the little girl ... be careful what you wish for though ... with the boys 19 & 21 ... you wouldn't want to be grandma too soon ;0)

Curtise said...

What lovely photos, Sue - the pics of the countryside with the mountains in the background and the blue skies are stunning. Miss Four is a darling, and I love seeing the birds on the lake.
Nice one, Jak - takeaways are bloody expensive but it's so nice not to have to cook every night! xxx

Fiona said...

Lovely photo's Sue, superb portrait of Miss Four and your snaps of the wildlife are fantastic. How lucky are you to have a son who buys his mum dinner. x

Peaches McGinty said...

Blooming heck! expensive takeaway, they are expensive though aren't they! still what a lovely treat, Abby let me have a couple of her rice cakes the other day haha! these are gorgeous pics and what a cutie Miss 4 is! she's so adorable! x x x

Helga said...

Such lovely pix, doll! The weather looks like it's been playing ball too!

Goody said...

I had no idea food had gotten so expensive (we have an allergic kid so everything is cooked at home). Wasn't it supposed to be less expensive than cooking it yourself? Anyway, you have a generous son, and thoughtful too!

I know I'll never get to your part of the world, but I really do enjoy your photographs. What a beautiful place you live in.