Saturday, 12 April 2014

Far too Hot for a game of Rugby

The weather that is, was far too hot!!
Glad I was only a spectator!

My youngest hasn't played a game of rugby for a couple of seasons so he was a little wary of how he would perform today.  TOF and I rolled up armed with rain jackets and an umbrella as the sky was threatening to open on us and rain.

Didn't happen,
we got more SUNSHINE!!!

My lad in jersey 19 was on the reserve bench for the first half of the game, so while we watched the game we also wandered around the field.  How cute is the little ball boy? His rugby top was like a dress on him and he was taking his ball boy duties seriously, except when I took this photo, bless him.

I rather like this tree house!
I could happily play in that all day.

Most club rugby grounds in Hamilton are in Suburban parks so houses back onto the grounds.  Most have club rooms with bars and this one had hot food on offer, so we could smell it wafting over the field as we wandered.

He made it on for the second half of the game, don't ask me what position all I know is he was on the ground in the photo on the left and upright and walking in the one on the right.  Pretty sure they came second today, I was far too busy socialising on the sideline and taking photos to know the actual score,

 but second is good isn't it??

I think he may have knocked the ball on in this but big deal, he got to touch that ball more than once, that has to be a woo hoo moment in it's self!!  Seriously tho, he enjoyed himself and played well, but tells me he needs to improve his fitness.  Yeah yeah, so do I but don't look at me as a running buddy!! 

I don't have shoes for running or exercising!

I of course was the colourful supporter on the sideline!!

We came home and a couple of hours later a slightly pickled son rang to see if we could go get him and his car from the club rooms.  Being good parents (well we are competing in the parent of the year contest for 2014) we went and got him.  I drove him and his car home, fed him then dropped him off out at with his mates for what I assume will be a big night on the town, and no doubt a drunken call will be lodged in the wee hours of tomorrow for a pick up.  

Rather that than he drives drunk!

PS lovelies: my $3 shoes were might comfortable, practical for wearing on grass, and colourful!! 

And worth a close up!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Snazzy shoes! Had Jack decided to play rugby instead of cricket? Good he got to play

Peaches McGinty said...

Sue's shoes! you know I love your shoes! I have no practical shoes for anything like *God forbid* sport! Good your son got to play, I know nothing about rugby, but it still looked a grand day out, and second is still a place! you are nominated for parents of the year! you legend! x x x have a great weekend x x x

Goody said...

You ARE great parents (I can't imagine mine carting me home drunk. Rugby looks so dangerous, but then that's probably part of the appeal to youngsters. Second is good, but yeah, they never want to hear that.

Angels have Red Hair said...

Our weather hasn't cooled down much yet either ... The days are still beautifully warm ... but the nights are just starting to get a touch of cool in them. Definitely not rugby weather ... it doesn't seem right.