Thursday, 10 April 2014

This weather is plain old trickery.

Looking outside this morning you would have thought winter had turned up.  The sky was dull and brewing up a storm and it was also raining. So armed with this information I proceeded to get dressed choosing appropriate clothing for the weather.  Being one of the high priestesses of layering, I began, and the end result was this!

The thing with layering and being off and on menopausal is you can take bits off and put them back on again.  Like a light switch I was today, ON, OFF, ON, get the picture.  I am sure mother nature was having a good old laugh as the day wasn't even cold.  By the time I got to the supermarket I had ditched the jacket and the scarf, trust me I wasn't sure if I was flushing or if it was the dam humidity.  Warm wet weather has to be the worst!!  Bring on the cold stuff, I bloody dare you!!

I arrived home from the weekly shop-a-thon of the supermarket kind to this!!

Oh Jo you made me look younger!!

As for your note asking
me a question,


After all this excitement I went for a wee drive out to Sue's place to see what the Crafty women of Karakariki get up to in her barn!!  And I promptly forgot to take photos so it remains a secret to you all, but you never know she may blog about it all later, what those crafty tarts do that is.  Heading home I stopped off at a Furnishing shop to buy a new toy for the kitchen, something I think even I can manage to operate.

It is one of those little bench top ovens that you can cook in but more than likely it will be used for re heating and cheese on toast.  I don't like microwaves you see so this is my nana answer to a re heating device.  Apparently I can make Pizza in it, I seriously doubt that but rest assured TOF will!!!

 That is my theory!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I wondered where yer camera was :D And yep I did blog :D That portrait is just fantastic, she's very clever. I could draw when I was younger, not sure I still can, must try, but I never could do portraits, not unless you wanted to look like the guy from the Pak and Save ads! haha

Angels have Red Hair said...

LOL … so glad you love it :0)

OP SHOP MAMA said...

Um yeh I recon it was the humidity more than anything. Sheesh it's been hot!!! #dyingoverhere!
Great portait. Yeh I hate microwaves too. Haven't got one. That thing looks good that you got there..

Peaches McGinty said...

That's a gorgeous pic of you holding Jo's awesome portrait, I love it! and I love you being the High Priestess of layering! I definitely think I'm starting the bloody menopause, all of this roasting alive nonsense! your new kitchen toy is fabularse! I reckon it will be sooo useful x x x

Goody said...

That is an amazing portrait! Wow.

I find myself spending more time than usual selecting my frozen goods at the grocer. So far no one suspects I'm in there attempting to cool off. You can bake in those toaster ovens, and if you like to dry things like the leaves off celery, or breadcrumbs they do a good job.

I really like those harem-pants, and the way you put purple and black together.