Saturday, 28 June 2014

So I went a bought a trailer

Want to see it???
Of course you do!!

I just hope that
TOF is
as excited about it as I am!!
(Yep he is still away so I will have to fess up on the phone about my purchase)

The lads think that their mother
is slightly

But I bet they use my trailer.

Max came with me to watch Jak play rugby today and his flatmates decided to join us on the side line as well.  Jaks team won and it was a pretty good game to watch.  The rain held off until after the game, but I got wet walking back to my car.

Thats my big boy Max.
(rolling up a fag, tsk!!)
We went out for lunch after the game.
Love doing lunch with my boys.

 I wore the silk dress I got yesterday.

Awe Mumsies boys!!!!
 (I love my boys)

And my other 
little boy.


Angels have Red Hair said...

Boys ... including furry boys ... are the best :0)
Oh and enjoy the trailer ... did you happen to buy a towbar too???

Beth Waltz said...

A little red trailer is the little red wagon for grown-ups. (A Radio-Flyer is a Yank tradition!) Very useful!

Bit of a trick to using them, 'tho. Always park it in a drive-through position. Get the towbar thingy that swivels rather than punching your car.

Curtise said...

A red trailer, a fab silk dress, and boys, human and canine - gorgeous! xxxx

Shawna McComber said...

I have to admit I have friends with some pretty great daughters, and I like to think I am a pretty great daughter myself but sons are just awesome! I adore mine and yours look rather adorable too!

I love your trailer and how cool that it is such a great colour!

Julie said...

Hi Sue, Happy Weekend to you :-)
I think your trailer is very cool - it will be most useful, they are so handy to have & I'll bet the boys borrow it heaps too. Yep, I love my sons too !!! Having boys is pretty awesome, not that I have anything to compare it to !!!

Leeanne said...

Just think how many big items you can buy from the opshops now you have a trailer!

Raewyn said...

My big boy turned 28 today - sadly he's too far away for me to spend precious time like this with him :-(

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Phwoar! Sexy trailer! You gotta pimp it!! :D