Wednesday, 16 July 2014

I think it is all due to the weather.

Another day of lovely jubbly

Amazing how nice weather
lifts your spirits.

After work I visited a couple of op shops so it was mid afternoon when I finally got home.  Lunch was a late but leisurely affair outside in the sunshine with the company of wee Oscar.  We opened the mail and basically chilled out with a nice sarnie and a hot cuppa.  I have signed our family up as friends of the  Westpac Rescue Helicopter, seems like a worthy cause when you have a family, and god knows they need the funds to keep it operating.

The white cardy is a summer weight one with the best ruffle back ever.  The red crop jacket ties at the front and will be perfect with frocks! As for the little jug, it reminded me of a large pot in the same colours that belonged to my Nana that my eldest sister got. I had it for a while but she wanted it so I had to pass it on.  I have decided I don't want family things, too many problems and strings attached.  So now I have a collection of things that remind me of family.  Life is too short for hassles, ill feelings and unnecessary dramas.

Today was a purple day.  I wore a Summer dress with a long sleeve t under it, a jacket on top, and leggings and boots.  This basket is my favourite at the moment, it fits everything I need and some.  The reps I met at the airport today were a couple of hard case females from Nelson in the South Island.  We had some laughs we did!!!  No intimidation anywhere!!

I found Tex sprawled out in the sun by the back door.  Cats always hang out in the sun, it is what they do!!  And they do it so well.  The startled look on the right is actually a look of pure Extasy, I was rubbing his fuck yes spot on his back and he gets this expression going on.  Note how cats have a few of these spots but dogs, well dogs are just one big fuck yes spot!!  Just see the chart below!!

If you own either or both animals you will so know what I am talking about!

Last week when it was raining and down right miserable outside wasn't particularly fun.  But as soon as the sun appears everyone is out and about making the most of the good weather.  I spent most of the afternoon chillin' outside with the animals.

I discovered about six balls under the couch.  
Someone isn't very keen on sharing!
And yes she tried her very very best
to get those 3 in her mouth!

Our long range weather forecast
is predicting a few more of
these glorious sunshine filled days,
that is why I am sending
you the above.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

It certainly does lift the spirits, so much so I cleaned the house!! :D Cute jug, ya know how I love jugs! Especially big jugs! :D

Frocktasia said...

Hi Sue,
thanks for your lovely comment over on my blog.
A sunny day (or five) lifts the spirits like nothing else can.
Whilst on the subject of spirit lifting capabilities, as soon as I spotted your purple outfit I had listen to Gogol Bordello's brilliant song Start Wearing Purple and dance around for a bit, they always cheer me up :)
Hope you are having an awesome

Beth Waltz said...

Shall share the chart with my vet! Yesterday was follow-up exam for the ancient kitty who had her thyroid nuked. The vet techs said they could hear the drama queen screeching at the other end of the building,so to prevent a riot among other patients I had to skritch her at the FY spot for nearly 20 minutes. Cats!

Unknown said...

Your charts made me laugh! Absolutely correct, I could scratch Belle on the end of her nose and she'd thank me. But Millie... the exact spot and nowhere else thank you very much! x

Curtise said...

Ha, the charts are brilliant! And you look fab in purple; keep on enjoying the sunshine! xxx

Shawna McComber said...

Your animals are adorable and hilarious, just like you! I love your rep meeting outfit and just to let you know, I have decided to move to Hamilton because THAT is the kind of winter I want! See you soon!

I always feel a bit creeped out when I scratch Sophie's F-yes spot because I am pretty convinced Im' giving her a cat-orgasm.

Goody said...

I just laughed so hard I pulled something, Oh god, those charts!

And the look on Tex's face.

Angels have Red Hair said...

LOL ... the look on Tex's face ... I feel like I just walked in on something I shouldn't have ... LOL

Julie said...

Love the new vintage jug ... Love the purple outfit, LOVE, Love the cane basket. And really really LOVE the animal chart!!!!

Leeanne said...

Another fabulous haul! God those purple boots have my name on them!

Vix said...

Our cats or those charts are wrong as both of them adore a belly rub! Glad you've finally got some sunshine. x