Sunday, 7 December 2014

It is always better to arrive early.....

...but maybe a WEEK early is too early!!!

TOF and I went out to Raglan this morning because I thought the Raglan Market was on.  So we went to our friends place to pick them up to come with us.  As they live there, they know all the short cuts to things like Markets, except, the Market wasn't on today, it is NEXT WEEKEND!!!

Oooooops Sorry!!
My Bad!!

Lets go for a drive then.

 We got to breathe in all that fabulous coastal air,
so clean and pure.

I feel refreshed!!

So thanks Diane and Grant for putting up with us a week early and thanks for the scrummy lunch of fresh fish and wedges!!!  

Wonder if we should go
to the Market next weekend??

Oscar has been involved in an intensive beautification program, I gave him a hair cut and a bath, not only does he smell good he looks good enough to eat.

Remember the Bear getting cosy with Oscar?

Well he ate him!!!

Oh Nooooooooooooooo!!!

And Tex!!!!

Bears do not eat hung over teenagers!
Crate day yesterday so not feeling
his best!!

Being early is good
being on time is better!!
look out for Bears! 

Hope you all have enjoyed a lovely weekend, I am off to complete Oscars beautification, his nails need cutting and filing.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Can't stop giggling at that video! :D And I thought I was bad at never knowing what day it is and getting to events days late hahha

Leeanne said...

Your animals do not look impressed by the bear look!

Beth Waltz said...

Thank you, thank you, dear Sue, for that priceless view of ol' Tex in his teddy bear suit! I now cherish an imaginary scenario in which he lays in wait for Santa 'neath the tree, cleverly disguised...

Curtise said...

Oscar and Tex will be leaving home if you do that to them again!
If it makes you feel better, I'll confess I did exactly the same thing yesterday; marched my friend to the Town Hall for a vintage fair, only to find it's on next Saturday... Oh well, we ladies of a certain age are allowed the occasional memory lapse! xx

Vix said...

Tex in his bear suit is the best thing ever., if I did that pinning thing he'd be in mine! xxx

freckleface said...

Looks like a lovely walk. Tex does NOT look happy! Xxx

Goody said...

My mum dropped me off a week early for a birthday party once-without waiting. I had to hang around for hours until she came to fetch me. She thought it was hilarious. I didn't.

Your poor pets!

Angels have Red Hair said...

That bear suit is the BEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN ... Buster NEEDS a bear suit just like it :0)