Monday, 19 January 2015

It's all go in the garden.

What a laid back easy going weekend I have just had.  Saturday we even had some rain, but when I say rain I really mean some drizzle.  Not enough to get excited about and not enough to water the garden, but some water fell from the sky.

There is a new second hand shop around the corner from me and I finally went and checked it out on Saturday morning.  I came home with the best Cat Bed ever and Tex is well pleased.  In fact he has been retiring to his new slumber zone every night since.

Sunday morning I took a wander around the garden so I am now going to bore the knickers off you with floral photos!!  Scroll fast.

 Spiders are still building webs.

 Soft tones.

 Bunches of flowers.

 Seeds have been collected.

 Tui gnomes on duty, well done lads!!

 Pink things in Aqua pots.

 White and Green.

My favourite colours!!

TOF and the Heir moved some rubbish onto the trailer, looked more like a body, but trust me it was rubbish.  Tex decided to help out at the last minute, but better later than never I say!

 Empty nest syndrome.

 Salad garden doing well
considering the girls constantly eying it up.

 The spare delivering me the phone.

The girls loved the afternoon sunshine and took full advantage to stretch out their wings and nod off. And why wouldn't you.

 We all enjoyed the swing seat!!

Sheba waited patiently for someone to play.

Finally the lads agreed to construct our small but ever faithful pool.  We have had two of these over the years and well worth the money spent on them.  This one is about four years old now and didn't get put up last year.  When the lads were small they used to put their trampoline between the deck and the pool, awesome BOMBS were done!!

This morning I finally got around to BAKING, so TOF will probably put my nomination forward for Wife of the Month tonight.  What he doesn't know is a batch of Crunchy Lemon Muffins were made first and were delivered to the lads at my old job - they love me there!!

Final inspection of the pool,
holes were patched
and we were open for business!!

My togs still fit, PHEW!!!
Sheba and I enjoyed a little paddle and sit
in the cool water this afternoon.

All is good in the garden.
Swimmer are welcome, well sitters really.
BYO togs and towels,
no peeing in the water or whirlpools,
the pool may not hack it.


Sandra said...

Love your garden, and I so need to "drop in" for a swim, Can one drop in from Friendly Feilding hmmmmmmmmm
Anyhoo, I know the Phew the togs fit feeling LOL.

Beth Waltz said...

If you squint, you'll see a glimmer in the light between the swing set and the pool. Don't be alarmed, dear Sue. Ol' Tex can see it's me, with you in spirit, sketchbook in hand, admiring flora and fauna and fine fellows loading a body into the trailer...

Beth Waltz said...

P.S. Whenever you submit a resume, Sue, you might also deliver a plate of those lemon crunch muffins. And be sure to schedule your interview for tea time.

Goody said...

I'll bet they're glad you bought that trailer. Gosh, it does look like a body (or two).

Pool party at Sue's! I'll bring the beers.

Curtise said...

Ooh yes please, a pool party round at yours sounds fab!
I always adore your garden photos, and seeing your critters chilling out (especially Tex - as a cat person I'm afraid he's my favourite!)
That looks like a relaxing and delightful weekend. xxx

Leeanne said...

Well my Opshop loving friend, my knickers are still on and I didn't get bored! The pool is a good place to cool off.............of course you know winter IS coming!.........

freckleface said...

Oh my goodness, you have a pool. Now I know it is the perfect back garden! Xxx

Julie said...

Love Tex's new bed Sue. Your pool looks great, my friends have one of those & they are so good for summer cooling off. Your salad garden is looking great, as are those muffins ... yumm :-) I told my youngest son the other day that he was "the spare" - once he figured it out he laughed.

duchess_declutter said...

The pool looks like fun Sue. Glad you have managed to keep your hens from the salad patch and well done Tex for scoring a new bed. Fancy having a new oppy just near you. Very tempting I think! cheers Wendy

Angels have Red Hair said...

Oh but I wanted to make a whirlpool ... how can those boys possibly want to move out of home when you have all the fab amenities there??

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Might bring me togs in on Friday, we can have a dunk after perusing the op shops. Did you say to Sheba she's not to pee in the pool lol.

Peaches McGinty said...

Are you going to have 'pool rules'? Sue's Pool Rules would be blooming brilliant! Tex's fancy new pad is a bit swish, it's gorgeous, no wonder he loves it - I loved all of the flower pics! a much needed colour blast, it is so grey in this neck of the woods, they are much appreciated and yep, it does look like a body haha! x x x