Thursday, 17 April 2014

I am a few thousand short...

..of shoes!!

My summer collection is only 28 pairs.

Where as Imelda Marcos (former President of the Philippines wife) had a collection of close to a staggering 3000 pairs. OMFG!!!

(photo courtesy of Google)

Holy crap cakes Batman, that is a hole lot of shoes!!

(also courtesy of Google)

According to Google her stash of shoes was stored in the basement of the Palace in Manilla that they lived in before being transferred to the National Museum.

Now back to my collection, at least I can honestly say I have worn them all and more than once and all bought second hand or in an incredibly good sale.

All lined up for you and looking

Now safely back in my wardrobe
tucked under my

Some of my bags were
just hanging out!

Today was a Red, Green and
polka dot kinda day!
With a little side serving of
ruffles and lace.
Excellent for the dull wet, windy, wild morning that was delivered.

Hope you enjoyed the


Your turn!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Holy shoet! :D

Serenata said...

Just love your wardrobe with all your fantastic colourful clothes!

I had to leave my only pair of summer shoes in NZ as I couldn't fit them in my case!

Still I guess that gives me an excuse to buy another pair!

Angels have Red Hair said...

Come on ... that's just the top layer ... show us the rest ;0)

Peaches McGinty said...

You have the prettiest shoes!! and all in such beautiful condition!!I love that you have 28 pairs of summer shoes, love it!
arg! if you saw my filthy wrecked shoes it would put you off your dinner! I will have to try and find some decent ones, but yes! I wanna share! your bags are gorgeous too and you missus, I love your ruffly, polka dot outfit x x x

Curtise said...

That's a lot of shoes! You may have a way to go to compete with Mrs Marcos but still, you're not short of choices there! Love the bags too, and your red, green, polka dotty, ruffley outfit is great! xxx

Vix said...

Wow, that is a lot of shoes! Good to have a fabulous choice though! Loving those gorgeous bags of yours and that wonderfully colourful outfit, too! x

Beth Waltz said...

OK, now I'm headed for the cavern to count my cache...

But I already know that I'm lacking those polka dot delights!

Unknown said...

I'm in Scotland and wrapped up in two pairs of socks and knee length boots most of the time, so am so jealous that you can wear sandals. Not fair! Your Blog's great by the way!

Goody said...

Great collection-colourful and fun looking.