Friday, 18 April 2014

Friday has been good, let's call it good Friday.

Easter for us is all about the eggs,
the chocolate ones!!
And hot cross buns for sure.

House full of non believers here
that are loving having four days off work!!

And taking photos like this one
is another reason Jak won't be my friend on facebook.

Yeah I am sooooo sad about that one!!
Nearly 19 and still
wants his choccy woccy
easter eggs.

After lunch TOF and I packed the kids, well the dogs and our eldest son, into the back of the car and we drove out to Raglan for a wander on the sand.  What a lovely way to spend a few hours, chilling out on the wild west coast, breathing in all that good fresh sea air.

Seems quite a few other people thought a wander on the black sands of Raglan was a brilliant idea.  There was two cricket games happening, and some people were even in swimming!!

 My blokes and my dogs.

 Yeah they found a stick!

And they made new friends.

 Lots running in and out of the waves!!

TOF enjoyed himself too!

The weather was quite pleasant while we frolicked on the beach
but the sky started to brew up as we were leaving.

Guess we haven't had enough of the wet stuff yet,
I don't mind if the rain is at night
when tucked up in my bed!

Driving home the dogs traveled in the very back of our station wagon, all wet, salty, sandy and slightly stinky.  Good to see the countryside has greened up a bit since I was last out that way.  Totally enjoyed our little bit of time out at the coast, always thankful it is such a close drive from home.

True story!

Enjoy the long weekend!!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Have a great weekend and save me some chocolate, we've not got a single bit anywhere! :D

Angels have Red Hair said...

I do love a happy doggy … and those doggies look positively ecstatic :0)

Goody said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Goody said...

I had to delete my first comment because my keyboard makes me appear illiterate.

Have a lovely long weekend.

There, better!

Curtise said...

Ahh, love those pics of the doggy frolics on the beach! Sounds like a good Friday to me! xxx

Vix said...

The happy dogs are just lovely! Great action shots! x

Peaches McGinty said...

We went to the beach too! great pics of your boys and I just love dogs at the beach, instant happy dogs! Jak is a crunchie lover too! Dave loves them! have a Happy Easter! x x x

Helga said...

No choccy here! I do appreciate a long weekend, despite not being religious. Would rather have the days when I choose to, though!
I wonder how hideous it was by our beaches, the weather has been appalling here! And I have a head cold....woe is ME!
Enjoy the rest of it, hope you don;t puke from a choccy overdose darling!

Connie said...

It is so pretty there. And dogs on the beach. Pure joy!

Poppy Q said...

Have a great Easter Sue. I am looking forward to my bunny tomorrow, as I have not had a piece of chocolate for a week.

Our weather has actually been quite nice for the weekend - how unusual for Wellington!!!