Sunday, 20 April 2014

That day set aside purely for resting

According to tradition,
(and I am not really a traditionalist)
Sunday is the day of rest.

In this house it was obviously strongly adhered to today.
By all but me!!

Like father, like son.

One of these two
wandered in this morning.
The other one is just showing his age!!

Meanwhile outside in the garden.


We have had rain off and on again today.
My garden is eternally grateful.

The birds are busy foraging in the fallen leaves
for snacks in between
the showers of rain.

I quite like how the garden is looking
on this grey wet day.

Today I wore the best top I have purchased for a while.
Too many people in our house today
for a full length selfie.
(they are all awake now)

But just look at the fabulous colourful fabric!!

I do declare
I am in love with my top!!

According to this
I am only a
(I rated myself a bit higher than a three, at least a five!)


Goody said...

My son has a real dislike for sparrows (I guess they are a nuisance or something)and let me know that (and this is a direct quote)"Everyone thinks they're such cute birds...until they know their crimes!"

Clearly, you already know. I'll show him your caption in the morning, I think he'll love it.

Connie said...

Just like a Mom. Out and about in the garden like a little elf while the boys snooze away. Same at my house. Love your garden...and your nice top!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

At least you went into the garden and made an effort to get outside! me I've hardly moved off the sofa! Read a bit then played with some crochet. I love how clean the garden looks after rain. If it don't stop though we may not have gardens left, they might be floating out to sea! :D

Unknown said...

Your garden's gorgeous, much more colourful than mine, and so full of life. I love your top, and your pets are just gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Lovely pics again sue, love the ones of oscar sheba and tex,they so relaxed,thats what i like to see,

Unknown said...

And not forgetting hubby and son, lol and a relaxing day alround then, we got one later on,three lots of football on,so after sunday roast,it will be a long toosh day

Angels have Red Hair said...

LOL … couldn't TOF have taken his shoes off first … he must have been tired!

Curtise said...

Having a restful day here too, although we are all upright! Similar grey day too, I also might go for a potter in the garden in a bit. Love the colours in your top, and as always the critters and the garden look beautiful. xxx

Peaches McGinty said...

I love a nap, it's the other way around here, Dave has the energy and I'm a snoozer! you will have to show us the full pic of your new gorgeous best top, I'll be patient! love the garden pics and sleepy pets x x x