Monday, 28 July 2014

I may need to attend Vintage Sheets Addiction Services!

Hi, my name is Sue.

It has been a couple of weeks
since I purchased a vintage sheet.

Considering the size of my collection I think it is a good thing!!
At least they all fit in one basket!

But seriously I have enough.
So if you see me reaching out to buy
another sheet,
give me a slap around my chops!!

I lined the bases of a couple of my baskets
with that contact I got.

Another collection that is complete,

This morning I took an old friend of mine Annette out op shopping as she like me has Monday off work.  We headed out at 9am and did a good tour around the favourites.  I bought NOTHING!!  Annette got a dress/tunic that looks absolutely marvelous on her as she has lost 30kgs over the last 12 months.  It's OK I can share this with you as I cleared it with her first and I am so bloody proud of her.  The dress is a size 12 and we were both excited about that!  

Well done my dear friend.

We grew up in the same street when we were kids, went to pre school or Kindergarten as we call it here, and then right through all the schools together so we have known each other for quite a few years.  

Compare the photos, 
we haven't changed a bit!!!

She still stands on the left 
and I stand on the right!!

Annette is the mother of the gorgeous bride I photographed the other week.  
Good genes there you see.

I soaked all my doilies and table cloths today.

All hanging out to dry.

Another collection I feel could be complete!!

At last
Spring Colour in my garden!!

 I hung out in the back garden with all the pets this afternoon.

 We made the most of the sunshine that was on offer.

 Apparently Monday Suck.

 I say it only Suck if you have to work!

Obviously the lads wrote that, I would have put an 'S' at the end.
 (apparently it was one of Jaks mates, Monday is the question, Suck is the answer)

So looking forward to Summer in the garden.
The colour is slowly returning.

We still have more Winter to endure
but if the days are like this
I think I will cope!


Leeanne said...

Oh the collections, the addictions! Who cares, you aren't hurting anybody, except maybe the floor boards that are groaning under the weight of your 'must have' purchases! Floors are over rated aren't they??
Lovely pics of you & your life long pal, you both look great.
say, what about making a quilt with those doilies & sheets?

Curtise said...

Oh good lord, send some of those sheets over here, will you?! What a fabulous collection!
Lovely to see you and Annette together, then and now - fab photos. And gorgeous pics of your garden and the darling critters. xxx

Poppy Q said...

I love those sheets. I always think they would make an awesome quilt - perfect for summer days!!!

Looks like you had a lovely day out, nice to see the sunshine although I guess you are getting chilly frosts.

Julie Q

Beth Waltz said...

Clearly, the solution to the sheet challenge is a bigger basket!

It strengthens the soul to see spring green and smell the earth thawing!

Sending a chin skritch to ol' Tex, who is also thawing nicely. My cats would sun bake until their fur singes!

Vix said...

Did you know there's a blogger called Vintage Sheet Addict? You and her need to make friends!
What a fab collection. I'd be itching to get creating with those beauties.
You and Annette look even cooler than you did back then. xxx

Julie said...

Oh I did laugh at your post today Sue ... firstly, the lads made me laugh so much with their "Monday suck" ... could just imagine them laughing to each other "hey lets write suck beside her Monday" kind of scenario. They should've either put an S on the end of Monday OR suck !!!
Secondly the photos of you girls are just fab. Isnt it cool to have a lifelong buddy you can hang with. No you girls havent aged a single bit !!!! :-)
Working back upwards here ... Yes I jolly well think you should attend Vintage Sheet-aholics & get a grip on your addiction & leave room in the OpShop vintage sheet shelves for other vintage sheet addicts like me!!!! Does that make sense??!! Happy week to you x0x0
p.s if I ever visit your house, you will find me in amongst your doiley & sheet collection (hiding)

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I think you could quite possible have more sheets than me! I may have to count :D Tell them boys that's our wall to write on not theirs! :D

Shawna McComber said...

I love seeing all your animals and if that is winter I want some! Ours is much wetter and not sunny.

Your sheet collection is amazing and I kept thinking what lovely skirts and dresses it would all make but I suppose it looks great on the beds too!

I have a thing for baskets as well but have managed to curb my basket buying.

Well done Annette! I hope she is feeling very healthy and happy. She sure looks like she does. No, you two haven't changed a bit. You started out gorgeous and you're still gorgeous. Annette's hair is very funky!

Goody said...

How wonderful to have a lifelong friend, and all the photos to reminisce.

I'm afraid I'll just be the worst sort of enabler telling you to keep buying the sheets as you obviously have a knack for finding them. Baskets are too useful to stop buying. Oh dear, I'm not helping, am I?

Raewyn said...

There is nothing wrong with collecting beautiful things.... as long as you have the storage! How cool that you have such a great lifelong friend that you can see often! Isn't it great seeing the life returning to the garden? (mind you, with me, that new life includes weeds too!)

Angels have Red Hair said...

Well you know what this all means … time to start a new collection :0)

Helga said...

My name is Helga, and I attend vintage sheets anonymous with Sue.
It has been one week since my last purchase and I don't give a SHIT!!!
Good on ya, love. There's worse addictions to have! I'd rather like to get my paws on yours...sheets, amongst other things.......
Look how hot you were and still are!!! You haven't aged a DAY.

Unknown said...

I didn't realise sheet envy existed until now... How gorgeous are they?! And what are you doing with my dog AND my garden swing way over there in NZ?! xx

Peaches McGinty said...

VSA (vintage sheets anon) is held at the same place as RBC (random bowl collectors) it's not a problem, we just NEED them! hahahah! doilies are very, very special too! you two gals look like fun, I wanna play out too! your garden is looking beautiful, you still have colour (ours is a wasteland in the winter! what am I talking about, ours always looks shit!) x x x