Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Layering has a name, who knew??

You all know how I love to layer my clothes, well I made a discovery the other day via a blog I follow, the lovely Shawna from Canada.  She mentioned a word that is totally new to me and it is:

translated into English it simply means
'Layering Look'

I have been doing
most of my life and not even known!

After a little googling research on my new word I found this blog and this one.

Obviously for me there are no rules
more of a this can go with that kind of thing!

As I get older I am more comfortable just being me and wearing whatever I feel like wearing, well most of my life I have just done that.  I don't want a nice little cropped hairstyle, and a sensible age appropriate boring dull wardrobe.  I am now going to blow my own trumpet so to speak, because most days when I am out and about the op shops I get a comment on something I am wearing, a positive one that is!  Usually about the colour or the layering.  No fading into my twilight years for me!!  No No!  I am going to make sure people still know I am alive!! 

 Black and white today with a dash of HOT PINK
and shiny black wedge shoes.

My life is going to be full of SPOTS and STRIPES and shit loads of COLOUR until my very last breathe, that is my pledge and a promise I can keep.

No Chance!!

This is what has been keeping me up late at night.

In fact so late I have had a couple of
Nana naps after work.
And I'm not even a Nana!!
But look out when I am.

This is just Gold!


Leeanne said...

I like your layered looks, interest & colour & texture.
Last lot is funny!

Poppy Q said...

Sue - you look awesome and best of all you do it on a budget. Good on you.

Glad you found some like minded ladies out there. Styles are very different round the place, in Wellington layers like yours would blow up in the air!!

Not much sunshine for Poppy today, mostly grey clouds and evening rain.

julie and poppy Q

Curtise said...

Oh we all need to just be ourselves and not worry about age or any of that shit! You have your own style, Sue, and that's worth a million wrap dresses, sensible neutrals, or any other bit of grim advice about "age appropriateness"!
Love the hot pink and stripes, so very YOU! xxxx

Unknown said...

Fancy having a name for what you do well! And I love a bit of hot pink! x

Beth Waltz said...

Had I encountered you in the local Goodwill yesterday (where I scored a fuzzy black Vera Wang evening sweater!), I would have scooted over to admire the black with dots over the black/white stripes atop the black patents, all under the hot pink.

Afirmation by one's peers is not a necessity, but isn't it nice to see friendly faces nodding enthusiastically at one's image in the op shop mirror? "Ohh, don't leave that here...and it's 50% off today!"

Vix said...

How fabulous to have spawned a trend! You are the leader, obviously.
Boo to neutrals, appropriateness and all that shite and yes to polka dots, stripes, glorious colour and stinking our fingers up at convention. xxx

Helga said...

Right ON, blossom!
How hilarious that there is a term for layering! Whatever! You do it beautifully! I have never done it well, but love the look.
Rock the hell ON, lovechops! XXX

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Your look is so much better :D I'm not normal either but that's more of a mental health issue lol

Goody said...

Hear, hear! (To all of it).

That's the best part of age-not caring what anyone thinks, and doing what makes you happy. Cropped hair and neutrals, *shudder*

Shawna McComber said...

OH thanks for the mention Dahlink! You look fantastic and you are my layering idol! I have not been lying when I say I want to steal your clothes. LOVE this hot pink with stripes and dots and NEVER cut your hair into some sort of sensible do. Your hair is awesome as it is.

Peaches McGinty said...

You always completely rock my world! I LOVE how you dress, love it! and how you influence (my homemade petticoat collection is growing healthily thank you!) spots, stripes and colour are all words that make me happy - ps love the 5 deadly woman terms haha I have used them all......a lot! x x x

Angels have Red Hair said...

I love your layering ... specially your spots, stripes and petticoats! Fancy it having a fancy name ... though I still think calling it "layers" works just as well ;0)

duchess_declutter said...

Sue your look is great - lagenlook or whatever it's called. Love all your colours and the way you put it all together. Keep on keeping on! cheers Wendy