Sunday, 20 May 2012

Date Night with TOF...

..well he got us a couple of tickets to go see a blues group out at Raglan last night called "The Mudsharks".  Made up of local old timers like Midge Marsden and some other old coots.  Raglan is about a 30 to 40 minute drive from here so off we headed of round 6ish.

listing to an old James Taylor CD

looking out for something?

thank god for arrows, who knows where you would end up!!

We have some friends out at Raglan that have an amazing house that they use only on the weekends, and will move there when moving into the semi retired state of mind.  We had a feed of burgers and chips washed down with a bit of beer ( I was the DIC  (driver in charge) for the night so only one for me).  Then we all headed off to the local Cosmopolitan Club where our date night was to be!!!  We had to sit through a shite load of auctions before the band came on.  Will confess to slipping off into the pokies for a quick gamble while that was going on.  Apparently it was a fund raiser event for all the local rescue services, like, fire brigade, coastguard, surf life savers and possibly some others, I wasn't paying too much attention.  Must say there were some hot young rescue men hovering about all night selling us raffles!!!

These old boys still new how to get a place rocking.  I think they must have had a good afternoon nap to be able to do the late night gig.  Quite like the blues music and us girlies had a we bop whilst the old boys went outside for a bit of devils lettuce in the carpark!!
Midge Marsden

We left about 11:30ish as TOF was well past his bed time so I drove us safely over the hills back to Hamilton.  Lots of fog and I never know, do I dip or do I not dip the headlights??  Don't really like driving at night in the country where there is no street lighting.  I'm too old for that crap now!!!

Just like a couple of teenagers we went through the drive through at Mc Ds and got ourselves a dirty old burger and chips!!  Sat in the car park with all the others out on dates and had our feed. 

♥ Romance is alive and kicking ♥


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Must have been the night for dates nights! We had a night in Hamilton, stayed in the Grand (never again!) Ate at Cullens, got a bit pished and was comatose by about 10!! lmao!

Helga said...

Rawr,date night!!!
I think you dip the headlights in fog??! I don't really like driving at night,but good on ya,girl!
"Devils lettuce"!!! BAHAHAHAHA! Our code name is broccoli! Ugh,can't bear the stuff these days!!!

Vix said...

Awww, date night! You pair of love birds! We'll forget you were ogling the hot firemen, shall we? xxx

Unknown said...

HA! What a fab night! Sarah xxx