Thursday, 31 January 2013

Paying homage to my favourite blogger chics!!

Vintage dress with square dancing petticoat, gorgeous Annah S cropped cardy, all second hand, and thrown together to pay homage to my favourite blogging chics!!  For Sarah the most gorgeous Misfit in the land of Oz, because I have a gate to swan about in front of, and in my bare feet!!  For Helga the most fabularsehole Trollop of the Southern Island because of the dress, petticoat and cardy ensemble and BOOBS!!  Sincerely hope I have done you two woman proud.  Will admit to not wearing this out today as it was a swetty Betty sort of day here in Hamilton.  But, this is destined for Monday at work!! And I will wear shoes and a bit of lippy and eyeliner.

Frocking up tomorrow because it is Friday and that is what you do!!   Off to the Hamilton Gardens to prance about.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Love the dress :D The girls will be proud lol! I thought I might pay homage to Vix and get me bikini on!! ;-D Looking forward to tomorrow and soe serious prancing! :D

Vix said...

What a fine tribute, the girls will be pleased! x

Helga said...

Love LOVE it, darling!!! One of these days' we'll swish our tutus together over a few glasses of something delicious! XXXXXXXXXx