Saturday, 26 October 2013

It is a work in progress!

Last night TOF and I decided that today we were gong to build a new garden as we have some more strawberries to plant (thanks Sue W xxx ).  So after our breakfast  we set about with loading and moving the retaining blocks I bought off trade me months ago that have been patiently waiting to be moved.

At the moment the new garden only has some of our compost and a bag of chicken shit and wood chips from the girls delivery suite in it.  The plan is to get some top soil this week, then next weekend we will be planting.  Pretty happy with the position of the new garden and how it looks.

We have also laid down all the sea grass matting that I got from the Dump shop a wee while back for $10.  The plan is to cover this with black bark to match the rest of the gardens out the back.  We have covered quite a considerable amount of the back yard leaving a reasonable amount of lawn.  So nice to be able to do things with the back yard after all these years.  But now that the lads are grown up and no longer using the back lawn, it is OURS!!!  I have been busy moving my slices of tree trunk that I picked up the other day and I have put potted plants on top of them.

It is all going to look pretty darn fabulous when the bark goes down, but at $40 a scoop we may be doing this at a scoop a week for a few weeks.

I have even laid out where my giant feet pavers will go.  They will link from one path to another path eventually.  They are such fun things, wish I could get more.

Adding to the pots I found numerous garden ornaments to place on the tree slices too.

We stopped for a spot of lunch, TOF made us ham, cheese and pineapple toasties, yummo!!

Then back outside to finish off what we had started before it got too hot.   yes we have SUNSHINE!!!

TOF has been a busy lad in his fenced of vegetable garden with Oscar making a sneaky visit to oversee and check on the progress.  TOF is now having a well earned nana nap!!

I would quite like to make this sign to hang in my garden.

Well I hope you like me have been enjoying the weekend so far.  Lucky old us Kiwis, we have a three day weekend to rest and relax or go hard!  Me and TOF are going for the R & R option.  Hope you like today's little quote:


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Looks like you need a lot of bark mulch. If Joe can find the number of a fella who can get it cheaper(I think) are you interested?

Peaches McGinty said...

looking good! what a great idea for the strawberries, your garden is fab, the giant feet are brilliant, I think I would play on them for ages!! x x

Vix said...

It looks fantastic, loving those foot shaped stepping stones. x

Serenata said...

Your garden is looking great and I love the footsteps! What fun they are. Glad you are having a good weekend, it sounds lovely.