Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Saying goodbye to an old friend is never easy.

As you all know dear old Tex has been slowly declining of late so yesterday early evening TOF and I took him to our vet.  We were told he was in advanced renal failure, and had other aliments that the elderly suffer from.  The kindest thing for our boy was to let him go.  He purred softly while I gave him his final hug as if he knew this was it and I think he was happy to go.  Tex gave us 9 enjoyable years and we were his third owners so we know he was quite old. 

The staff at the Vets were lovely and he was laid in this box for us to bring him home in. He will be buried today in the garden next to out beloved old dog Ben. I know we have done the right thing for Tex by letting him go, for us it was hard but today is a new day and he will never be forgotten.

Us pet owners take these animals into our homes and make them a part of our family, so it is our role as their owners to recognise when the time is right.  If only we could help humans when they are so incredibly ill.  Thankfully I have the dogs and the girls to help me.

These two are keeping close by.

Life goes on for the living, and the garden is the best place to experience life.
Yesterday I picked a bunch of Carnations from the garden and the perfume is divine and wafting in the lounge as I type.

The girls were getting about the business of the day and helping eat lettuce that had seeded.
Peaches, Plums, Tomatoes, and Apples.

One large self sown Sunflower is towering above everything in TOFs vegetable garden.

Sunflowers are happy flowers to me.

I Sueified some white long shorts yesterday by adding POM POMS and lace.

Mrs Wickham was giving me sideways looks.

And Sheba watched my every move.

Thanks Tex for being part of our family.


Unknown said...

Rest in peace, Tex ♡♡♡

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

*sniff* :-( RIP old boy. Garden looks awesome xxx

Fiona said...

Oh Sue I am so very sorry to hear about poor Tex. It is a heart wrenching thing to have to do isn't it, but we know it was the right decision. I too, wish we could help humans when the end has come, but don't get me started on that one. You gave Tex a wonderful home for nine years, you'll all miss him loads but he'll never be forgotten.

Leeanne said...

Sending you big gentle hugs. Glad you have had some special memories, your blog is a wonderful collection of this!

Goody said...

Oh Sue, I'm sorry to hear Tex is gone, but you eased his suffering which was the best kindness you could do him. You gave him nine splendid years of living-it-up in your garden paradise, and home filled with love, and I'm sure he enjoyed every moment of it.

It isn't easy letting them go (I've been through it a couple times now) but isn't life so much better for the time they were around?

Poppy Q said...

Oh Tex will be pleased to be back home resting in his garden. Thank you for giving him a great 9 years of his life, full of love. RIP.

Jazzy Jack said...

You have such a wonderful take on this.
I love this post.
You opened your heart wide for Tex despite knowing one day you would be here saying goodbye.
He had a wonderful home for 9years.
Sending hugs for your grieving time, and joy for your memories.
Xo Jazzy Jack

SAM said...

Tex was a beauty and I am so sorry for your loss. We never stop grieving family and pets are family that we are honored to share our lives with for whatever time we get. Sending international hugs to you and your fur/feather babies.

Melanie said...

I'm so sad that Tex is gone but happy that you had the strength and love to help him on his way. Yes, our pets are such a part of our hearts and your magical garden is a perfect place for him now.

Your flowers are bursting with life. I agree about the happiness of a sunflower. And your Sueified pom pom project is a stellar upcycle. Pom poms are a bit like sunflowers.

Hugs, Sue.

Julie said...

I shed a tear reading this post Sue ... I was just thinking about dear old Tex yesterday while in my garden. You sure did the right thing though & yes, I wish we could do it for humans too, it is such a kind thing to do. I now have bobble trim envy ... is there such a thing, not sure :-)

Nancy J said...

There with Tex for many years, and even so at the end. Beautiful box, a fitting resting nest for his final sleep. Somehow our cats ( and I guess dogs too)let us know in subtle ways that they are not well , and their days are finished with us. Let those flowers with glorious colours be your comfort, take time to grieve, and as Tex is laid in his final place, I will be thinking of you all day. Hugs.

freckleface said...

Oh bless him, poor old Tex, that sweet boy. I'm glad you got a lovely hug at the end. It sounds like you did the right thing. I'm so glad you have some comfort with the pooches, I fell into a depression for about a week when I had to have my boy put to sleep. Didn't want to speak to anyone. It certainly does have an impact when we lose our furry friends. Thankfully he visits in my dreams sometimes :) Xxx

Rachael @ Rachael's Happy Life! said...

So very sorry to hear the news. All animals are part of the family and it is so heartbreaking when they go. ((HUGS)) to you. You garden photos are lovely. Rachael

Beth Waltz said...

Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of dear ol' Tex. I, too, have held the door open for much-loved furry family members and recognize all those emotions you've expressed. May the cackle of the girls, the licks of Oscar and Sheba, the beauty of your flowers comfort you and your family, Sue. Life does go on in your garden.

Connie said...

Oh poor sweet Tex. He really was fortunate to have you for a family.

Angels have Red Hair said...

Oh Sue ... that's so sad ... sending big hugs to you

Mel Baker said...

Sue - I am so sorry to read this news.
Good night, sweet Tex