Friday, 10 February 2012

did we get what we wanted??

Today was Suesday so that meant me and Sue W got together for a spot of shopping.  We thought we would take a camera to share our afternoon out.  I am after one of those wicked crinoline petticoat skirts to go under my dress for the up and coming wedding, which is only a week away now.  Sue was after a white handbag.  So off we set with a slight plan and first port of call was Look Smart.  This is a recycled clothing shop mainly supplied by those big bins you see all over the place, where people throw their unwanted  things in.

This purple and yellow cave has all sorts of gems inside.  We know the owner quite well now, as you do, and she lets us go through the rack of sorted but not priced stuff behind her counter.  She sometimes puts things aside for me as she knows what I like.  Not alot of stuff today but I did manage to find a couple of treats.

This place has a whole wall dedicated to Vintage, Retro and fancy dress.  Rather well known round town as the place to get your fancy dress duds when you have one of those parties to attend!!  The delightful Sue was checking out the "Frocks"!!

Pot $5 from Looksmart, glasses 50c each from Habitat, peas in a pod salt & pepper $3 from Looksmart.

Next stop was Habitat for Humanity.  Forgot to tell you that these places are both only a 5 minute drive from my house so they are our regulars and we are rather well known.  Sue hung out the window of the car for the photo above!!

Once inside we were quick to discover the good shit!!  Yes its a feathers hat either that of one of my girls and I'm thinking Iggy Poop has got out and been sitting on my head for the afternoon.  And no I didn't buy it, really just wasn't doing it for me!! Can't you tell??

This place is quite big, well stocked and pretty well priced.

Sue was down right overjoyed at a a decent pile of TENA Lady, and wanted to know if there would be a discount for bulk buying!!  When you are ladies of our age one has to prepare for the inevitable or start doing the pelvic floor exercises.  Problem is once down on the floor, you have to locate the pelvic floor muscles??  Then of course there is the getting back up part!!  And no she didn't buy them as after a brief but fairly entertaining conversation we have decided that we "Are not yet old enough".

I did however find this gorgeous Caftan top that may need to have an insert to accommodate my ampleness that is me as I didn't try it on, just fell in love and had to have - follow??

Close up of the beading do-dacky stuff round the neck and the fab crocheted table cloth I also got.  both were only $5 each.  Yes, yes round of applause!!!

From there we headed to the dump.  They have a pretty good shop down there but we have heard that Tuesday is the day to go.  If you can put up with the odd wiff of dump then you are good to go.  Nothing in there for me today but our Sue got a beautiful bag and some shoes if my memory serves me correctly.

By now my tummies were rumbling, I have decided I have three because I do get called a Cow every so often at home and cows have a few?  So we headed of down the road to a suburb called Dinsdale.

Had a quick look in the SPCA op shop, but nothing, grabbed some lunch from a lunch bar and headed to Lake Rotoroa which is smack bang in the middle of our lovely City.  We were instantly surrounded by starving ducks, pukekoes, and other scavenging birds.  Trust me those birds aren't hungry they would have to be the most well fed in the world.


The water lilies are in flower and look spectacular!! Should have taken my other camera and done a bit of zooming!!


One of the many Pukeko. (a local in NZ)

All those poor starving ducks, most of the buggers were asleep!!

Me rocking my old favourite long crocheted skirt, and took my new skull necklace out for the day.

Some nutter playing peek-a-boo behind the trees!!!

Think she was trying to hitch a ride or something here!!!

So after a leisurely lunch at the lake of divine BLT's, bacon, lettuce and tomato on super fresh bread, we then headed to Frankton, a suburb about a 5 minute drive from the lake.

This photo I got from Vinnies, well St Vincent De Paul.  These are a limited edition and this one is off Indicators a surf break out at Raglan. I can remember sitting on those friggin rocks when I was just a young innocent teenage girl, while some surfin' dude was out doing his thing!! Good score at only $8 and TOF is pretty tickled with it. Just need to fine a wooden frame for it to go in now.

Spot Sue (kinda like wheres Wally)!!  Oh look there she is outside Vinnies.  This shop has all the clothes, magazines, linen etc in it and the shop next door, well to the right of this is where the furniture and bric a brac is.  Very cheap, like good clothes are $3 - $5.

Next was a stroll across the road to the Red cross shop, nothing for us in there today!!  We quite like the young lady/man that works there.  He/she does the most amazing window displays, just has a way with the fashion.

Around the corner is this little boutique of mainly pre-loved stuff.  I did get an awesome dress/top thingy in there once so have kept going back to check it out.  The outfit on the mannequin was bloody gorgeous, but only size 12.  Just a little bit too small (ha ha I jest) ok, way too small.

So basically that was our afternoon out.  You may well ask if we did get what we set out to get??  Short answer would have to be, "NO".

Till next Suesday!!!


Vix said...

You are two gorgeous women! I wish I could have been there to raid those op shops and chuck the Tena Lady about. I want that crochet skirt, I've been looking for one for years. xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Another great day, quality not quantity found today. Great photos, must share again soon :D

Katidids said...

Popped over from Sue's blog, Nice to see her running mate. I have to ask with you 2 out together, who hold the bail money?!?!Looks like you had loads of fun

Helga said...

Ah,you lucious rolloping trollops! Gals after my own heart!!
I could have done with a packet of those Tenas'I'm rather guilty of pissing myself when I laugh too much!!!
I freakin' LOVE your new necklace,darling!You have such a great eye for colour!!!
Bugger you didn't find what you were looking for;in my experience it's always when you are looking for something else that these things turn up!What colour crini are you after?? I'll keep my eyes peeled!
Now,you've been up to an awful LOT whilst I was away,I'm feeling a bit boggled,and MOST amused at the fairly napkins for the boys!I suggest some big panties for a future surprise!I make my man's lunch every day,so appreciate the sentiment!!!
You gals rock my world,I do hope one day I can make it up for a Suesday,I'd even change my name!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Hi ya I nominated you for an award. Hope you like it. Feel free to pass it on...or not ♥