Tuesday, 3 April 2012

In Memory of Ben......

....3 years ago today our gorgeous old Ben passed away in his sleep.  Actually at 3am in the morning with me lying behind him on the kitchen floor snuggling him until he took his last breath.  We adopted Ben when he was one from Animal rescue, the boys were only 2 and 4 at the time.  Beautiful Ben was a Labra-doodle and the best dog ever. He was well loved and he loved us back equally.   We were lucky enough to have nearly 12 years with him in our family.  He is buried down the back of our section under the trees that he used to like to sleep under in summer.  I don't think he would mind that the chickens scratch about on top of where he is resting.

♥ Ben being an Angel ♥
So it has taken two dogs, a cat and some chickens to replace him, but he will never be forgotten.  Our pets are part of our family and treated with kindness around here.  I cannot stand for animal cruelty.  So today I shopped at the SPCA op shop where I managed to get 2 tops and an awesome enamel coffee pot for TOF.  The tops are in the wash but TOFs pot is here:


It's an awesome sea green colour and it even has a plunger thingy inside it.  I'm not a coffee drinker, I like the smell but not the taste but TOF does quite enjoy a nice coffee.  If it's in a jar it is Moccona or Screaming Turtle.  But now he get some fancy stuff and plunge away!!

When I got home from gallivanting about town I found this cool box on my front door step.  No card, nothing!!  Inside were these four gorgeous mugs that stack to make a Russian doll.  I knew they had to be from someone that knew I loved Russian Dolls but who???  A couple of hours later my lovely niece Jade rang and she had found these in a sale and thought of her Aunty, so she got them for me just because she wanted to.  How sweet is she??  We have always got on well and I know we always will.  So I may not have a daughter of my own but I have the lovely Jade and my gorgeous FGD!!  My fingers are firmly crossed that my boys end up with lovely girls and they give me a whole pile of grand-daughters!!

Here's to giving just because you want to, cool coffee pots and beautiful Pets that are no longer with us. 

♥♥  Toodles  ♥♥


Unknown said...

BIG HUGS Sue - I lost both of my beautiful dogs in the last five years and it still breaks my heart every day how much I miss them. I hope your beautiful boy and my two little loves are all romping on a beach together somewhere, digging holes in the sand, rolling in dead fish and barking at seagulls.

And those cups are fantastic - you are super lucky to have a lovely niece.

Sarah xxx

confession of a scrimpaholic said...

Sending my love sue.I know how heart breaking it is,I had a staff till she was 14 my brothers dog attacked her it was awful so had to take her to the vets to be put to sleep.I couldnt bear to see her in pain.Our pets are like our babies.
brooke xx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

RIP Ben! ♥ I want a nice coffee in that pot next time I'm over :D

Anonymous said...

Ben was a beautiful boy - you are lucky to have had him in your life for so long.
The cups are gorgeous.