Sunday, 30 September 2012

If I try really hard I can smell summer

Last night we launched ourselves into daylight savings!!  Launched may be a slight exaggeration, as most things around here automatically update the time.  So I stood on a chair to move the hands on the kitchen clock to the current daylight savings time this morning.  And it feels great.  Even the sun is out, good sign of things to come!! Positive thinking here people!!  Work with me!!

Yesterday morning Sue W phoned and said she was coming into town and I did I want to play.  Did I want to play?  Is the Pope a Catholic? Does a Bear shit in the Forest?  And play we did.  The cute as childs cane chair I scored for $2 and I will be on selling as I need to get cash together for more playtime.  The fabric came from Spotlight, all on sale.  In fact they have a sign that I love to read "CLEARANCE".  Gets my attention anyway.  The Russian dolls and stripes are going to be cushion covers for my outdoor chairs, dolls one side and stripes on the other.  The tapestry chicken one is going to be made into runners for on top of my Entertainment cabinet, china cabinet and roll top desk.  So much easier to flick the dust off and replace!!  Such a slave to my housework I know!!!

I had myself a good old nana nap yesterday afternoon as me and TOF were heading out with friends for dinner in town.  I thought woo hoo a night on the town, better have a nap so I can keep up!! But alas it was only dinner, no one wanted to go into some of the other bars and clubs, and they all said "NO" to my idea of Ice Skating.  Skating rink has been temporarily set up in Garden Place, more of a square now rather that a place of gardens.  Our Council has totally stuffed that one up.  Used to be beautiful but now, big thumbs down from me.  Oh and don't get me started on the so called artistic piece of horrendously expensive junk that our rates contributed to!!!  Oooops sorry, momentarily digressed!!

Dianne and Grant, Corrin and Alister,and TOF and me.

We went to Lonestar, and the meal, drinks and company were all great.  I just wasn't ready to go home to my knee rug, slippers and cup of tea!!!

♥♥ I'm 50 young not 50 old ♥♥

PS: I have just noticed that obviously I like my own blog so much that I have joined it so I can follow it?! One way to have more followers I guess, not quite sure how I accomplished that.


Kay said...

The ice skating is fantastic.. I went last week.. even managed to drag my husband along this year... I had to go alone last year, but it was worth it!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I'd break me neck ice skating or at the very least stuff me knees up lol, use to love it years ago, I could do all the triple toe loops and everyfing...not intentionally of course but I did 'em good!

Unknown said...

What a fab day! I sometimes accidentally 'like' my own facebook posts, I always leave the like as it amuses me!

Sarah xxx