Saturday, 5 January 2013

Summer really is here!!

First thing this morning, well not first thing, after I got up, dressed and fed, I set to with mowing the lawns out the back.  I am in love with my little hand mower, it is so easy to use, very relaxing and gives me a wee work out on the side.  Today had all intentions of being a beautiful hot day so after the lawn mowing was completed I dressed the swing chair and made plans to perch there later on after my domestics were done.  But before I could get my washing under way I had someone else s to deal with.  One of Max's mates asked if he could do some washing here the other day, and he would come back for it that night.  That was 3 days ago.  So I got it all off the line, folded it, made him an invoice and put it in my basket on my bike and delivered it back to him.

On my return it was time for a light lunch and a bit of rest and relaxation on the swing chair with my book and the dogs.

Just want to mention that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book so thanks to Laura's hubby Llyod for writing a truely entertaining book about their life and choice to come to our beautiful country to live.  I am very proud to be a New Zealander!!!
The dogs have very different ways to relax.  Oscar was more than happy just to sit on me, sit next to me or sit by my feet while I read.  But Sheba, no, no!!  Her idea of relaxing is persisting in dropping one of her balls at my feet and sighing until I participate in the endless game of you kick and I will chase.  I am convinced she has a rechargeable battery in her because she is on standby for game time permanently.  Even when I was pushing the mower around the lawns she kept placing her ball in front of it.

The girls were also enjoying the summer sunshine.  They were feasting on weeds from the flat, apparently they are going for the unkept look down there!!  I also flung a few loads of lawn clippings in there yard to scratch about in.  They were all well pleased as they chattered on all afternoon.

Mid afternoon I went to catch up with some young friends of mine that moved house last year to something bigger and with a pool for their two kids.  So neat to catch up with them both and so funny listening to the 6 and 3 year old winding each other up, squealing and arguing.  Poor parents kept apologizing which I said not to bother doing.  I can now switch off to such noise but do remember that age and stage with my own boys.  I didn't visit them to see how they deal with their very normal children.  It is like visiting someone and them saying excuse my mess.  I don't visit to check on your housework, and if you come here to check on mine you will be sadly disappointed!!!


Laura@OurWeeFarm said...

you are brilliant!! Did you take the pics with your timer? I need to get myself one of those.
Thank you for the plug and I'm chuffed you liked it :)
we're proud to be 'McKiwis' too!xx

Helga said...

Summer most certainly IS here! It's been lovely, but POO, we have to go back to work tomorrow....
I wish we would see a little more of our cats! Their idea of relaxing seems to be to piss off for hours on end! So different to dogs.Went swimming at the beach with a friends dog yesterday, it was bloody hilarious!
Yay for being Kiwi! I'm an honourary, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Ooh does that mean you've finished the book!! turn :D

Unknown said...

I do love your gorgeous swing chair and your dogs are hilarious! Sarah xxx