Saturday, 23 February 2013

Another ones gone, yes another ones gone ....

another one bites the dust!!!
And that would be another WEEK!!!  Seriously is it me or is 2013 on speed because I go to work on a monday and next thing I wake up and it is the weekend!!  So what have I been up to, well quite a bit actually!!
Monday of course was my day of work and this week I got talking to a lovely young lady with the fabulous name of Graceful Earth.  Given that name by Aboriginis when in Australia, and by golly it suited her.
I noticed on Monday how colourful my garden was looking.  Bold and Bright just how I like it.  No pretty rows of one of two colours for me!!
My Asters are in full bloom and looking fabulous while my Zinnias just keep on flowering. God I love this time of the year in my garden.  
I have even beaten TOF in the tomato growing competition that he didn't know he was entered into.  Mine are huge and grown by seed tenderly nurtured by me.  While TOF opted for some garden centre ones and his a small.  Point proven I think!!
Tuesday arrived and I faffed about at home doing what I do when I faff.  Then after dinner I drove out to Dawns place (the potter) and we went Blueberry picking. Her brother in law, Farmer Kev as we call him, lets the self sown Blueberries grow wildly in the ditches that run down the edges of his paddocks. We decided we would ride bikes, me on a Mans mountain bike with the most incredibly hard small seat, how men still have balls after riding one of these bikes is beyond me.  Anyway, we rode along the road, then onto the cattle race which had a covering of soft sand.  Yes I got into a spot of bother on my man bike and went arse over tip and landed on the ground somehow managing to miss the cow shit.  In between fits of giggling Dawn did manage to ask if I was ok. SURE!!!  Of we went again, parked the bikes and crawled under a couple of ELECTRIC fences and got stuck into collecting berries.  Huge marble sized, spray free, super delicious Blueberries.  The dogs were eating all those at the bottom of the bushes.  2 hours later with buckets filled, and me getting stung by a paper wasp, we rode back in the loveliest sunset  back down that bloody race. YES I arsed off again, so I pushed that farkin man bike until we got to the road.  Gonna take my own bike next time I go Blueberry picking, it doesn't have an uncomfortable seat or that incredibly dangerous bar that could slice your @#%* in half!!!

Wednesday turned up on time and instead of a SuesDay I went out to Sues.  Her pommy mate Liz arrived with her two dogs and we all went for a walk to the house that Sue has been busy decorating, getting ready to rent.  Very nice job, and fabulous views. On our return we had a meet and greet with the goats, they are so lovely.

Thursday morning I was a busy bee in the kitchen pickling more Ferkin Gherkins and doing great things with all those Blueberries.  I got 3 bottles of Blueberry dressing, 6 jars of jam, froze 2kgs, and had another kilo in the fridge for eating.  I also sliced and vacuum packed Salami.  We got 1/4 of a beast off Sue and there was a Pepper Salami and a Garlic Salami, big long buggers too.  So some in the fridge and some in the freezer. YAY for my vacuum sealer machine!!

Dawn called in while in town doing some bits and bobs.  She had bought these Urinal hats for a party and thought we needed to try them out.  We met when I was about 18, quite some time ago.  One of my old friends and a true blessing in my life!!
Friday emerged and was a stinking 29*!!  Another friend of mine Diane lives out at Raglan so off I went to spend the day out there.  We hammed it up with our giant wine glasses (sorry to disappoint but it was only water) on her deck before heading off to wander about the shops.  We even went to the Raglan Dumporium where I got the cutest old double boiler saucepan for $3, which will be perfect for making my Lemon curd in.  Also found a Russian doll, not complete but gorgeous and only 50c. Raglan Dump would have to be the nicest dump I have ever been too, so well organised and clean, yes it is a dump.  Very ECCO friendly and well set up.  We walked the main street and checked out the shops properly.  Every time I go out there with TOF I only get to have a brief look so it was nice to take my time. Next thing it was half 3 and time to get back to the bright lights of the city.
So this morning I woke up and discovered that the week was over and Saturday had arrived in all her glory, with perfect weather for going out to the markets.  TOF headed off to Raglan to go fishing with Diane's man Grant so she came into town and we went to a couple of markets.  Slightly let down by the Gypsy one as it was considerably smaller than I recall them being.  I did get a Rose Quartz stone in a silver wire cage necklace from the house truck in the photo, only $5.  Super nice lady.  The 3 cloth dolls were hilarious, make an awesome gift. Loved the old bird with the blue rinse and saggy tits the best.  From there we went to the Frankton Market, held every Saturday in the main street which is blocked off to traffic.  Another let down as I remember this being much more interesting.  Now it is Indian and Asian folk selling their $2 shop crap.  Lots of plant stall, fruit and vege stalls, and then old books and other bits and bobs.  I have a list of Markets that I cut out of the local paper that I plan to investigate, so hopefully they will float my boat!!!

Please to report that TOF came home with some scrummy Gunrard and Snapper. So we have had a feed of fresh Raglan fish for our dinner.

Looking forward to tomorrow, relaxing at home but starting my Sunday with bacon and eggs cooked by my man. Hope you are all well and enjoying life!!


Unknown said...

So much wonferful fun! Wild blueberries!!! Giant cocktail glasses! Animals and rambles and fun times. I love it. I'm moving in.

Sarah xxx

Vix said...

Reading this makes me very happy as I sit looking out at a snow fluffy wearing fingerless gloves and a hat inside the house! xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Raglan has a dump shop!!! Ooohhhh! As for 2013 on speed, I reckon you're right! At least you've managed a blog post! I must try and do one later...

OP SHOP MAMA said...

Wild blueberries - I'm jealous!!! To pick at the organic place = $12 kg! So good though.

Raggers dump shop is BOSS (as my boys say!)

Yes the 'gypsy fair' is so uninspiring these days .. I used to roam with it a bit in a former life. Much different form than it is now.

Urinal Hats. Might be this Autumn's Must-have.