Wednesday, 12 June 2013

We were off the wall

SuesDay happened today, and Tex thought he should join in and be another brick in the wall with us!!  We took in about 13 op shops today and had a dam fine lunch at the Yardhouse Pub!!
We actually hammed it up after we had been shopping as we had an itinerary to follow today that I had written out.  We left at 9:45am and were done and dusted by 3:30pm.
Today's picking are these!!  Love my new basket!!  And my love of spots continues, the huge pink cup I am going to put a baby Cyclamen, and the jug will house flowers.  Set of seven wooden coasters,  two powder blue Duraware cups and saucers and a dog shape cookie cutter for Oscars biscuits.  The DB Draught Chilly bag stool is for one of my oldest sons mates, and the rolling pin is for my potter friend.

It was a perfect day for being out and about, we even had SUNSHINE!! May it stay.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Feckin' arse'um day! And have realised that one has hidden some finds away before taken photos! Doh!

Vix said...

I love how the cat managed to join in the hamming up! great photos, you colourful pair! x