Sunday, 21 July 2013

A whole lot of C's on Sunday

My little Companion Oscar had to go to the Vet today.  He had some swelling around his Cock area.  After the very gorgeous vet named something beginning with a C  according to her name badge man handled his bits he was given a jab and some medication with a Call back visit booked for Friday.  Then we get to the Cost, no surprise there that it wouldn't be Cheap!! ($141 so far).

My poor little mate.  Last night I tried to cool his swollen bits down with a cold cloth, and even resorted to putting a cone on his head to stop him doing some self administered relief.  But cone or no cone he was going to lick his *#@%s.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Commiserations on osCars cock condition. Can't be comfortable can it!

Poppy Q said...

Poor little fellow. Vets visits aren't cheap. Hope he feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Aww-poor little fellow!! Hopefully he's better soon!!

Vix said...

Poor lamb! Hope you've got pet insurance! x