Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Tuesday was a Lemon

Nah not really, actually it was pretty ok.  But our Lemon tree is laden with fruit, so much so that I am going to have to do something with all the lovely lemons.  Ideas?? Thinking Lemon curd, preserves and of course CAKE!!
I swanned off to work this morning and amazed myself at being able to do the end of month stuff all on my own!!  Normally I have the lady that owns the place leaning over my shoulder watching which I just don't like.  But what can you do??  Go in the morning when she isn't there, that's what you do!! I am 51 not 15 so I think I can do the job, just saying.
Black, white spots, purple, layers of course and one of my necklaces!!
The flattie loved his ballooned out bedroom but I still thought more needed to happen.  You only hit 21 once so today it was cake and lollies!!
Devon has the best sense of humour ever, so for a laugh I gave him a kids travel diary to take on his holiday.  He and his family filled it out in mostly when in a  drunken state, completed all the challenges, added photos, wrote short stories, and it makes for hilarious reading!!  He said he met a lot of ozzy chics thanks to this book!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Lmao!! Love the book :D

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

PS Do we get one for the UK??? ;D

Vix said...

That book and cake are fantastic! x