Sunday, 29 September 2013

Day light savings means more time in the garden

Do you put the clock back or put it forward??  I always say  I am looking FORWARD to Summer, and we go BACK to Winter.  That is how I remember which way every single thing in the house that has a clock on it gets changed, oh and then there is the car!!  Thankfully the phones, and computer did it all magically by themselves while I was still in the land of Nod.  Sunday was full of promise as we had a day with some sunshine, not a lot but we did have some.  TOF and I headed out to Bunnings so he could get his seed potatoes and I got some Gherkins, Cauliflowers, Broccoli's and Cabbage plants that TOF has planted in his patch next to his beloved spuds.  I mowed the lawn and then wandered about with my camera.

Beautiful Bulbs

Colour with Forget-me-not

Something pink and Gladiolas
Granny Bonnet

Pinks and Purples and the Tyre flourishing

And look at the Wheelbarrow garden!


Today's words of wisdom.

Hope you all have enjoyed a relaxing weekend and were lucky enough to have something make you smile and even laugh out loud.


Peaches McGinty said...

beautiful flowers, and I love your wheelbarrow garden! I managed to grow 6 onions this year in a pot! hehe, my rabbits demolish everything! x x

Serenata said...

Gosh is it daylight savings already over there? I dread our clocks going signifies it getting dark at 4pm horrid!

Your garden is looking so wonderful and colourful.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Garden's looking great :D I rememeber it 'Spring forward' 'Fall back'

Vix said...

Like Sue, it's Spring forward, fall back.
The garden is looking gorgeous! x

Helga said...

Bloody excellent photos, the flowers are stunning!
Felling a bit knackered this morning, it always takes about a week to adjust, but O how I love daylight saving!