Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Finally a SuesDay with Both Sues present and accounted for!!

These used to be a weekly adventure for me and the other Sue, the country Sue, but with her buggering off back to the motherland for a month, being busy on the Estate with young French men, and other things, we haven't been able to get together for one of "Our Days" for what seems like forever!!  So today it finally happened.  We managed to put in what can only be described as a sterling effort of attacking the local op shops visiting ELEVEN!!!  Trust me we have a circuit mapped out and we are well known at these spots and our absence had been noted!!  And this is not even all the op shops on offer.

This is my stash of clothes I found today.  A brand new still with tags Desigual dress for $10, stunning cobalt blue Verge Top for $3.50, Peacock velvet burn out shawl for $4, brand new Red with white polka dot swimsuit with frilly bit for $7, and gorgeous bright beaded halter top for $2.50.

None has been tried on by me so fingers crossed all are a success.  I don't do the old itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini thing anymore, so a polka dot one piece will do the trick, and more than likely in my small pool in the privacy of my own back yard.  These days I am built for comfort not for speed!!

I love the NZ Life and Leisure magazine, but will not pay the outrageous price when new, so when I can score one for a good old 50 cent coin I am a happy camper.  The wooden trug was only $4 and will be perfect for transporting all that lovely fruit growing in my back garden when ripe.   The darling little dutch vase is for a special friend who is Dutch, it is very sweet.

When we were in Frankton today ( an older suburb in Hamilton ) all the gardens growing around the trees in the main shopping street were flowering.  Carpet roses in vibrant pinks and heavily perfumed white Jasmine greeted us.  So nice to have some colour amongst the shops and the tar sealed roads.  St Vinnies had a Nativity scene in their shop window.  I am not the slightest bit religious but I will admit to liking a nicely done Nativity scene.

Meanwhile at the Dump shop, or the Dumporium, Sue found this pimped out scooter, almost family sized, well you could at least take a passenger on board.  It was fare honking down at the dump today, very whiffy in the warm humid weather.  Still no rain to get excited about!!  We have had a few light showers, so light in fact that they wouldn't even wet a tissue!

At the dump shop I found this Babette Cole kids book for $1.  One of the funniest childrens writers of all time.  With such good advice too!!  When the lads were small I got the one called "Hair in funny places" the most hilarious puberty book ever. Still have it!!

With enough op shopping under our belts we grabbed some lunch and went and sat at the Lake.  Within minutes of our arrival the car was surrounded by ducks and the odd Pukeko.  Sue told the ducks they could all do with going to Jenny Craig as they are all rather plump.  I suggested they just cut out the carbs!!

This bunch of Pukeko were having a bit of a rumble in the car park.  Quite vicious too!!  They are odd birds, all feet, but beautiful colours, bright blue with their red beaks.  Some females were nesting in the reeds, so maybe the rumble was a paternity issue??!!

Forgot to take a picture of me all frocked up, but it was my lovely floral one I have been thrashing alot of late.  As a consolation I did take one of my shoes, my gorgeous Briarwood slip on sandals that my sister scored for me for $2.

Twas a lovely day out with the other Sue, and hopefully we are back on track to being more regular with our SuesDays.

This is true!!


Kay said...

What a great haul.. love the polka dot swim suit especially!

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Same time, same place, same channel next week!! :D

Angels have Red Hair said...

OK … love the peacock shawl and love the swimsuit. I don't wear bikinis either … I figure after 2 kids nobody wants to see my middle … including me.

Vix said...

Aren't those Pukeko birds sweet? Love their long feet!
isn't it nice to be missed in the chazza's? Jpn and I visited a town we hadn't been to in almost a year and got treated like celebs!
Great finds, love the shoes you're wearing. x

Peaches McGinty said...

the cossies are gorgeous! I love the skirted ones the best (also means I can get away with, ahem, maintenance of the nether regions, can take me a week to get ready for a cossie!) you scored well there, everything is fab! I do like a nativity everything, and the souped up scooter is awesome - Dr Dog has the best advice ever! I loved it! could have done with that when mine were little! chuffed it was a good Suesday x x x

J said...

Nice that you finally got back to supporting the charity shops.

Oh, I love Babette Cole, too.

Serenata said...

A fun day you both had, glad you finally got together for one of your fun days again. Love the Babette Cole book, they are so good aren't they/

Unknown said...

Suesdays back wooohoooo

Helga said...

Hurrah foe Suesday! Clearly it's lucky!
Loving that polka dot swimsuit!!! Swoony!
Life and Leisure IS quite a good mag, I also only pick it up secondhand! XXXXXXXXXXXXX