Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Either Rain or don't, just make up your mind and stop faffing about!!

It is hot, I like it hot, but it is humid because it really wants to rain, but just hasn't quite got its shit together enough to do so.  The weather that is, today I have my shit together!!  I have been to work, visited an op shop, and now home faffing.  Faffing is an Art you know!

Me and The Oscar dog have been faffing out the back under the big green umbrella where there is a breeze.

The white Geraniums are faffing about in the sunshine.

The girls are all pretending to faf but I know they have been eating the Raspberries that are ready.

Cannot be totally sure if this lot were faffing or not? 
But they look pretty!!

Out the back big fluffy clouds are faffing in the blue sky.

But out the front the Rain is faffing about, just do it you know you want to!!
We need some rain for the garden.
The farmers need rain for sure.

There was a Sparrow faffing about in the trees out the front.

And the king of all Faffers couldn't quite make up his mind what he wanted to do with himself.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Suesday tomorrer! Bound to be more faffing! :D

Angels have Red Hair said...

I love a good faff … but I hate humidity!
Hope it starts to rain soon.

Vix said...

Fab photos as always. Your sparrows look nothing like ours! x

Peaches McGinty said...

humidity sucks! I can't cope in it, but yes, rain please and clear the air! I am faffing atrociously today, necessary stuff! love your pics and you are looking gorgeous, fab frock and shoes! Oscar is looking very regal there, it's lovely to see the blooming flowers as we have a sparse garden at the moment and I do love that Dr Seuss quote x x x