Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Would you spot me in a crowd?

(or behind a Lemon tree)
Well would you??


What's under my coat you ask?

Oh yeah,
SPOTS glorious SPOTS.

Black, white and red.
Am I too old to kick leave on the lawn?

I'm a Fairy Godmother.
I had the urge to play this afternoon.

Just wait till I get myself a WAND!

I have a teeny Tiara
does that count?

Of course when you wear a tulle skirt you have to do some twirls and stuff.  FGM meets country I think!

 Hope you have or are having
a fabulous day.

 I am!!



The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Hahaha! That made me laugh, yer mad woman xxx

Julie said...

Made me laugh too Sue ... I think I would love to be your neighbour - it would be fun to look out my window & see what colourful outfits you are wearing each day. Then I could watch as you draw angel wings on the bricks & stand there posing & I could probably think to myself "look at that mad crazy neighbour of mine out there ... think I will go join her" !!!***????

Leeanne said...

The angel is at it again! RED BOOT ENVY............where did you find want some.............oh please!

SAM said...

Love the boots, and you sure pull off the red skirt. Mad camera skills by your photographer catching the twirling and super hero "pow".

Curtise said...

Yep - can't miss you looking fab in huge polka dots and red tulle, Sue! xxx

Beth Waltz said...

Twirling in tulle... say that five times and smile! What fun you're having with those wings on the bricks!

Peaches McGinty said...

You are the bestest Fairy Godmother ever!!! you gorgeous woman!! you have raised the bar to all of the fairy godmothers in all of the lands ps love the Dahl quote x x x

Shawna McComber said...

You ARE a fairy godmother! You are so full of polka-dotted bright red magic it makes my heart happy. xoxo

Goody said...

Oh, you brought the biggest smile to my face with your wonderfully fun post today!

HRH Sue! I do love wearing a tiara as well.

I would fight you for that skirt in a thrift shop ;)

Mel Baker said...

You always make me smile!! Thanks for the funny post!!

Angels have Red Hair said...

This looks like fun … can I come over and play too :0)

freckleface said...

Yep, I see you. Looking mighty perky too. Red is fab on you! You can't beat a twirly tulle skirt and polka dots! Xxx