Friday, 27 November 2015

Sometimes you just have to take the good with the bad.

Sorry Northerners but bugger me it has been hot the last few days, and it is only November!!  But tonight we have rain to cool it all down and water everyone's gardens.

Yesterday was such a nice day, and it was made even nicer by having my good mate Lulubelle (Louise) and her daughter Prairie drop in for a visit.

I whiled away the time before they arrived in the garden, big surprise that is, me in the garden!! 

I put all the squabs on the garden swing and was joined by the dogs.  I didn't let the girls loose in the garden as last time old Joan chased Lou around the back yard.

Plenty of faffing and twirling because a visit from these gals always warms my heart. Thanks for visiting my lovelies!!

Today was another glorious day that was slightly derailed for me as I wanted to borrow some old family photos from a relative and they weren't too keen on the idea, but did let me.  I wanted to take photos of them as they are pictures of my long gone relatives, people that interest the hell out of me as they were such a pioneering bunch.

The day was far to nice to be made miserable but someone else's shit attitude so I saluted those that try to take me down to their misery.

Is life too short to subscribe to the bullshit of others?  I think so, and after some relaxing among my flowers I was back on track.  Oh and I also had a wee bit of retail/op shop therapy.  As us girls all know, there is nothing like a bit of shopping to perk you up.

I do believe I got a bargain!  The Big Red Shed was having a nuts as one day sale on loads of stuff, so what was a girl to do?

I also got the prettiest lamp shade to hang over our dining room table. From Habitat I came home with some Royal reading, a cute as Xmas tree decoration, and a set of three old treadle sewing machine draws.  These are going to get a paint job, I only want the individual draws.

How gorgeous does the light look?

This beautiful old leather suitcase belonged to my dads father. His initials are the same as my sister Helen's so my dads mother gave her this suitcase.  It has been living at a relatives house and is full of the old photos that I borrowed.

Like some of me and my sister H with other family members and this one of my beautiful boys when they were small.

And old ones from my childhood like this one.  My grandparents took us girls away for a weekend up the Thames coast and we stayed in one of the old Trams that had been converted into a holiday home. It was such a cool weekend.

I love this photo of my grandmothers Pineapples that she would grow in her greenhouse.  She was an amazing gardener and her and grandpa had the best ever garden to hang out in.
My favourites are the very old ones like these.  I love the old studio staged ones.  But the day at the beach is so great, look at what they had to wear.  Quite different to the micro things worn today!!  I spent all afternoon photographing photos, I think I did over 200 and that is of only one side of the family.  Hopefully I can get the other half without any fuss and bother.

 Tex kept himself very busy sleeping.
  Bed one was his outdoor chair.

Bed two was in a cool breeze on a door mat, the deck was too hot for him today. He spent most of the day out the front of our place.

Bed three, and quite possibly his all time favourite at the moment as he is still in it and will be until tomorrow now. 
Someone else took advantage of the beds available and joined in on the slumber party.  Of course Sheba was far to busy to be sleeping!

They say that some of the white sheep in a family are not all that white!

Happy weekend to you all!!



The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Great post Sue!! Good on ya mate. x

Nancy J said...

Great photo memories, I remember those trams at Thames, and those short mini dresses. Paint the sewing table drawers??? They are for me a wonderful memory of when my Mum did sewing for all the local ladies on farms, the herd testers, my school uniforms as well, cow cover repairs!!! and I learnt to sew on the treadle machine. Your garden looks gorgeous, full of colour, and Tex enjoying the sun. So hot here too, this morning we have drizzle, so good for lawns and gardens.

Vix said...

Oh! I love that mini dress you're wearing in that lovely old holiday photo.
Some great photos, glad you managed to borrow them. Looking forward to seeing more! x

Goody said...

I remember one heat wave in Boston when our little poodle refused to get out of the empty tub! It was the only cool spot in the house. He was smarter than the both of us combined.

Great seeing your family photos-I had no idea you could grow pineapples in a greenhouse. Families can be...oh I don't know, fill in the blank__________. I'm glad you were able to get hold of them and make copies. I was just reflecting on how nice our Thanksgiving was yesterday because we didn't have anyone here making us miserable. I envy people with happy close families-mine are all bat-sh*t crazy!

Connie said...

Oh Sue. I can only imagine that your ancestors were seriously impressive. I mean, look at you!!!! I love old photos. You are so cute in your shift dress. Gosh, I think you have had the most wonderful gardeny natural fun beautiful life. Lots of fresh air and sunshine and smiley faces.

Julie said...

LoVe the old photos Sue. Your garden is looking full of colour after the rain. If I had been in the Oppy when you spotted those singer drawers - we might have had a fight on our hands !!!!! Oh AND that lightshade too :-)

Jazzy Jack said...

That light shade! Sigh!
I'm glad you managed to wrestle the photos out of the house without too much damage.
You will be glad you did.
So fascinating. Love the old holiday photos.
Your gardening genes came fom good stock by the sound of it! Xo Jazzy Jack

Mel Baker said...

The old photos are wonderful; I am really glad that you were able to get them. The lamp shade is beautiful!!

Melanie said...

I love your garden therapy solution for shaking off the residue of downer people. Perfect. Lots of lovely things here, but the photos are wonderful. Good luck with the rest!

freckleface said...

I'm looking at that old picture and wondering if that is you in the mini dress or you in the hot pants? I think you'reMiss hot pants. Two great outfits anyway. Gardening is the best therapy. Looks like you are having a great summer down there xxx

Beth Waltz said...

That handsome floral lamp shade is exactly right for a blue-sy gardener's dining room! Its detail truly reminds me of your exquisite close-ups.

Pineapples are tricky to grow, I've heard. You've obviously inherited two green thumbs from that side of your family. How sad that some members of the clan are missing a funny bone. Must make life's journey very trying at times.

My love to ol' Tex as he enjoys his moveable slumber party. What a very nice bed basket he has!

Curtise said...

Love the old family photos (and the case they came in!) Families, eh... can't choose 'em, and if certain members are arseholes, well, what can you do but laugh it off and try to ignore them?!
You look gorgeous in purple in your beautiful garden. Poor Tex - it's a hard life, isn't it?! xxx