Thursday, 12 May 2016

Enjoy life while you still have one

The last ten days have been very busy.  I of course have my next batch of foster kittens, this time only two, but two very cute little babies.

One girl and one boy, very similar in markings but not from the same litter, both dumped.  The little girl they didn't think would survive her first night but she did.  These two are consuming a lot of my time which I don't mind in the slightest, I have plenty of it to give.  Such a rewarding thing to do with my time.  Oh and Oscar has fallen in love with these two as well.

Official name is Pingu but we are calling her Jerry as in Ms Hall.  She has been on oral antibiotics for a week and eye cream daily, with another week of this to go.  She loves being cuddled and has stopped growling and  hissing so we are on the way to making her into a lovely cat.

Picachu or Tom as we know him is all fluff and whiskers.  He has come down with cat flu now and joined Jerry today on the antibiotics.  She is at the end of her snuffles and he is at the beginning.  I even gave them a Eucalyptus bath this afternoon.  Just like having babies with croup!!  Give me another week and they will both be healthy, I shall love them back to good health!

Have a sneak peak into the cat lounge at the SPCA.  They have apartment style living, plenty of room, activities and they all seem pretty content.  There are couches for people to sit on and spend time with all these available cats that are all in need of forever homes.  But the kittens are still arriving in, and most people want the babies.  

My first week of photographing the new kids on the block.  So funny because they all kept moving and you have to read their name tags so you get the right cat on the list.

This week I took my big camera and this lot were all sleeping making my job much easier.  All aged from about 6 months to as old as 10 years.   I have gone and  fallen in love with one big old boy, just working on TOF now.

Known as Biggy and they think part Maine Coon.  About 10 but in such good condition and I so want to bring him home.  Maybe I will take TOF to check him out this weekend.  Isn't he beautiful?

Anyway it isn't all about cats around here.  Autumn is in full swing and our city is looking lovely.  We have a lot of parks and most streets are tree lined.  Well carpeted in leaves.

The big old trees by the Hamilton East Cemetery are shedding their summer leaves and they make the ground look gorgeous.  But I bet the council dudes that have to deal with the gardens don't agree.  Makes good mulch!
Hamilton Gardens are looking stunning and I had a wander around Turtle Lake.  The reflections in the water were beautiful.

I didn't even know there was a little waterfall!  You can follow the boardwalk around the edge of the lake and then into the gardens.

 There is still the odd burst of colour in the form of flowers
if you care to look for it.

I even found some Caterpillars munching their way through leaves before hanging in a Chrysalis waiting to grow into a Monarch Butterfly.

Any day is a good day to go wander around a garden or park.

My wandering occurred as I was out picking up some things I had purchased off Trade Me.  Like a stone crock for $10 (the one on the left) a gorgeous plate for $1 and the best ever drop side tea wagon with a draw for a mere $75.  Perfect for my laptop!

I also had one of those moments where I bought myself a gift, a to me with lots of love from me.  Well after all I did have a birthday, another year older but none the wiser!!  This silver locket opens and you can put  charms inside, so I got the camera for my love of photography, New Zealand for my love of my country, and a family of three which represents TOF and the lads.  On a long chain so it hangs in between my boobs!

I gathered the very last of the veg from our garden and found a couple of eggs.  Good news, they seem to be laying in their house again, must be due to the drop in temperature of late.  How lovely do the Hydrangea heads look in my sari basket?

As you can see we have had rain, but to tell the truth it has not been cold.  We are 12 days into May and still wearing light weight clothes.  When the cold stuff turns up we are going to die.  Not literally.  But we are going to be cold!!

Last Sunday was Mothers Day here.  The Heir was in Auckland for the weekend but the Spare took me out for lunch.  Later that day we took the dogs to the dog park for a run.

We arranged to meet his bird and her mum there with their dog.  The park is awesome, a huge open space with plenty of big old trees all dropping there leaves!  A cobbled path for the humans to follow and plenty of fresh air and nice views as it is river side.

Oscar made plenty of friends and Sheba chased every ball that was thrown to any dog.  Note to self: take a ball for Sheba next time.  Loads of well behaved dogs sniffing bottoms and playing, what a fun time they all had.

Monday was my birthday and the best gift ever was my sister coming over to spend the day with me.  Yay for having a big sister you love and get on with like your best friend!!!  I dyed her hair Raspberry and it looks fantastic!

There was no cake, I don't need cake but there were a few attempts at a family selfie later that night.  Next year I am going to get someone to take a proper family photo, but in the mean time I get a good laugh from these ones.

Words of Wisdom time:



Beth Waltz said...

Happy Birthday, Sue! And what a nice Mother's Day outing to the dog park to visit that very photogenic ancient tree! Yesterday I had a conversation with a lovely lady from Oakland, NZ, "just a short drive from Hamilton." I chirruped that I'd never been to NZ, but a visit to Hamilton Gardens was on my bucket list because of your marvelous photographs throughout the year. (Also want to visit the park where you photograph the feral chickens.)

Clearly, the shelter folks have identified you as an excellent kitten nurse, trusting you with those two mites in need of more than a towel and two bowls alongside a box of litter. It's good that Oscar is willing to provide their training in socializing with house dogs.

Good luck with TOF and The Grand Old Tom!

Mim said...

Happy birthday! That pendant is really lovely, such a nice idea. I think you should treat yourself to that kitty as an extra birthday present ;-)

SAM said...

Happy Birthday, Sue. We're supposed to be nearing summer but have haf the cold rain. Beautiful kittens!

Nancy J said...

Happy Happy Birthday wishes, TOF, he'll realise he needs another man in the house, and will say YES.
Lovely pendant, two new fur babies, and lots of your TLC and they will be well again.

Polyester Princess said...

Happy Birthday Sue! I'm glad I don't have to choose between those cats. I'd have to take them all and be a cat lady ;-) Lovely autumn photos. It's strange to think that it's autumn out there (although I love autumn), while we are in the throes of spring. xxx

freckleface said...

How lovely to have some more foster babies. I've no doubt that you're going to love them back to health. I was trying to figure out which month you're in in Northern hemisphere terms and I reckon it's November. Happy Birthday to you, Sue! It's lovely to spend a day with your big sis. I saw both of mine within a week a while back. Wish it happened more often. I don't think we've seen the last of Biggy! Xxx

Vix said...

Happy Birthday to you!! The babies are gorgeous and I want all the big cats. You should definitely get Big Boy as a birthday pressie! xxx

Mel Baker said...

Happy Birthday!! You are taking such good care of those kittens - they are lucky to have you. I don't think we have heard the last of Biggy, now have we? The locket is beautiful, your boobs are very lucky.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Hang on to your butt! I will be in soon!! :D

Leeanne said...

More magic furry babies for you to cuddle, isn't Oscar amazing with them, like a foster Mum/Dad! Good luck getting the big cat home. Love your Autumny pics.

Leeanne said...

P.S I hope your birthday was a goodiexxx

Julie said...

Belated birthday wishes tooooo yooouuu Sue. Hope you had an awesome day ... love the locket you treated yourself too. Also all your trademe purchases. Your photos of the gardens are just stunning, I am enjoying this mild May we are having but yes, the cold will be here soon. Laughed loudly at the last pic with the verse. Oh & by the way .... adore the new furbabies,

Connie said...

Happy Birthday SUE!!! If I were a little critter I could think of nothing better than spending time at Sue's Love Hotel. Such lucky kitties. I love your birthday necklace. In between your boobs. You crack me up!

Goody said...

Happy Birthday Sue!

Those are some posh accommodations for the kittens at the shelter-such a nice change from the cages you see at so many places.

I never thought of using a tea cart as a computer stand-what a great idea. I'll have to look for one. We had a rickety old metal one when I was growing up that somehow never fell apart, but felt like it would any moment.

I like your sister's hair very much.