Saturday, 31 March 2012

Driving Miss Daisy and other things....

Yesterday Sue Webber and I headed out of town to the great outdoors and the countryside!!!  One of the things I love about living in this City of Hamilton is that there is not only one way in or out of it.  With in minutes you can be on the road to the seaside or the countryside.  Yesterday was the countryside.  A short journey south and we headed to a farming town going by the name of Te Awamutu.  Our mission was to check out some op shops, as you do when you venture to another place.  We had found a new one in the suburb of Glenview as we were leaving town so we did a quick detour.  What did we get??  What did we do???  Take a look for yourself then.

At the op shop we detoured to I got this spotty over top jacket thingy which will be dam fine in the weather we are having at the moment.  Layering is the order of the day for me.  I also got a sweet little necklace which I am wearing today which will feature in a photo near the end of this post.

Driving my Miss Daisy to Te Awamutu was pleasant and because she behaved herself so well I let her sit up front with me in the car!!

Miss Daisy bought us lunch and we sat outside the cafe and watched the world pass by.  Both of us loved the 1920's buildings that were opposite us.  We at one point wondered if the cafe owners would mind if we just sat for a few hours and people watched.

Miss Daisy!!

After we had refueled on healthy food, yeah right, well to be honest it was pretty close to being healthy.  We shared a french stick filled with salady bits and bobs and had lemon muffins with a nice cup of tea.  Anyway, after lunch we wandered down the main street and checked out some of the retail shops.  To my joy there was a Trade Aid shop.  We have one in Hamilton and they are fabulous places.  Full of amazing hand made goodies, great smells, and fantastic eye titillating colours!!!  Been a fave of mine since I was a teenager.

Hows that for an inviting blackboard message??!!  This was in a window, well where a window would have been but obviously had been broken and boarded up and black boarded.  This was a good old fashioned main street pub with big windows that open directly out onto the main street.  Waikato Draught was the flavour of the day!!

We headed back home after having spent a few relaxing hours of wandering and snooping in shops.  Another successful SuesDay had come to a close.

Now to the other things.

This huge shawl/table cloth I scored for $1 on Thursday.  It has a couple of holes that can be easily mended and won't really be seen when folded in half on the diagonal to wear as a super duper shawl.  It reminds me of Russia, well the colours.  Will look pretty dam awesome over black clothes in winter!!

this top I got off trade me

This bag I also got off Trade Me and it is the most wicked as bag.  I can pack all my supplies in this baby.  Has these gorgeous felt balls on the handles.  This even fits my new toy in it.  YES, I purchased myself a very early birthday present for myself.  A to me with lots of love from me present.  What is it??  A Samsung Galaxy Tablet!!!!  No you cannot swallow it but you can have a lot of fun on it, or with it, so sort of like the other tablet because some tablets you can swallow help you have fun. I am a daily taker of medication prescribed by my doctor that has helped me get back to having a life and having fun. But I digress, isn't my bag just beautiful??
necklace I got yesterday

Over our back fence is a school, St Peter Channel Catholic Primary to be exact.  Today they are having a fund raising family fun day for a little six year old boy who has an inoperable tumor.  TOF was out the back hanging out some washing like all good men do when I said "I think I will go next door and make a donation"  He said he thought that was a good idea, but better still he says " I just heard they are selling cupcakes, so pay to go in, make a donation and get me some cupcakes". 

 And because I always do as TOF tells me to I did.

I cannot imagine how hard it would be for the family to know that your six year old is terminally ill.  The fundraising is so they can hopefully take him to Australia for one last family holiday.  I am always grateful that I have two healthy sons, so popping next door and donating some money to a worthy cause is a no brainer.

Didn't mean to end this post on a sad note, but life is a bitch sometimes.  We all need to make the most of every day we are given and try to see the upside of a situation and look for the good things in people.  I am a firm believer in positive thinking even when the outcome could still be negative.  Life is a gift.  So get out there and enjoy it!!

♥ Toodles♥


confession of a scrimpaholic said...

What a lovely day out,great finds :) xx

Helga said...

You gals always make a killing! I adore that tablecloth/shawl thingy,and you new necklace is a sweetie.
Hurrah for it being easy to go further afield,where there are bargains and delicious lunches to be had!
Sad about the little fella,when it's kids it just rips you to pieces.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Was a grand day out, where we going next?? I need a ruddy haircut!

Vix said...

You find so many sweet ethnic-inspired pretties, I think you need to hop on a plane and join me in India, the clothes, bags and beads would just blow you away! Those little shops are so pretty and I love Fair Trade shops, too.
One day Helga and I are going to gatecrash a Suesday! xxx

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Ooh Ooh that would be such fun!! I got loads of room out here on the farm!! :D

Anonymous said...

I love the bag and the cupcakes look delish!!

OP SHOP MAMA said...

Yes that's a truly gutting situation for the Curran family..

You chose the right cafe in TA - Salvadors ROCKS my world when I go out there! The op shops in T A are pretty good aren't they.. There is one on a corner that I have passed but not been able to stop at - simply called Charity Shop I believe. I've heard good things about it.
My fav op shops are in Te Kuiti. Further to go, but worth it.