So yesterday was my lovely niece Jade's 30th birthday. I am having a photo canvas of her boys made for her but it won't be ready until next week. Being a milestone birthday I decided to go to Zinnias and see what I could find as an on the day gift. I totally love this shop and never walk out of there empty handed, hence why I do not go that often.
I got Jade the Chocolate and the heart shaped lip gloss.
But the hilarious tin below is for my eldest son and I am going to put loose change in it.
Zinnias is by far the place to go if you are looking for a fun present that will not cost you the earth, not cheap, but not over the top.
I stopped to fill the car up with petrol as Jade lives out of town and I would so hate to run out of gas, especially as yesterday was WET!!! Grabbed a bunch of orange lilies and off I went. She has a few acres, not sure how many but enough to have a couple of paddocks, run some sheep, plant an orchard and have chickens. I rather like it out there, so peaceful!
Arlo (3) has a wee friend called Lacey who he calls "my Lacey", so cute, and they go to kindy together.
Small dog is Lonnie a pure bred sweetie (Jack Russell) that Jade will let have a few litters as she is such a lovely natures young girl.
Her sheep are some flash breed? One is still pregnant and one has a lamb. The bog standard sheep is a pet called Ursula that Jade bottle fed last year.
The orchard has plenty of promising crops growing and the chickens are babies that are new as her old ones went of the lay so they have moved to her Grandmother-in-law's farm. Fantastic life for the boys, with so much room to run around in. School is just a 2 minute drive down the road so quite perfect.
Driving home I stopped to take a photo of this sign I had passed on my way to Jade's place. It amused me so much that it was worthy of a photo!!
Yes that is a toilet seat advertising POO!! Of the Pony variety!!
TOF being Irish grows spuds, and I mean a couple of crops. He dug a row last night so we have beautiful new spuds with our dinner last night.
Now that the planets are all aligning in the sky and rumor has it our world is going to change, I am grateful that we have a vegetable garden. I do not subscribe to the end of the world but I do believe we will have changes coming. Just look at our weather this year and the natural disasters that have been happening. I watched an interesting program on old Nostradamus and the Mayans last night and was quite blown away with the knowledge these ancients had. To think I had to take history in my final year at school and thought it was a pile of crap and never went to class, I missed so much interesting stuff. I spent my time n the Art room instead blissfully unaware of some amazing things. Thank goodness for Sky TV.
Well I am off now to enjoy what is left of his afternoon and make he most of e sunshine. Off to Auckland tomorrow to have an early Christmas lunch with the Irish, TOFs lot.
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