Tuesday, 16 April 2013

There she was just a walking down the street....

...do a diddy, diddy dum diddy do!!!!  OP SHOP MAMA!!!  The gorgeous Linda with the most amazing blue eyes ever, with super sweet Iris and far too cute Arlo.  To think I had only dreamed last night that we met out of the blue just like that.  I even had a camera in my bag but went all shy on suggesting a photo, not like me at all, I must have been overwhelmed. Yep that'll be it.  So what did I get today apart from the pleasant surprise, well just take a look.
So left to right: the entire scores, the $5 shelf, $4 worth of small terracotta pots, brand new shoes $6 from the dump, nice wee jars that were over priced but I wanted them both, NZ Gardener mags for 20c each and a pattern for PJs 20c all from Grandview Salvo, and my Mmmm Mmmmm spotty cardy $5 Vinnies, my obsession with spots and stripes continues!!!
When I got home I was welcomed by my innocent and well behaved dogs that had obviously been having a fine old time on our bed while I was out!! 

Because I am thinking of going for wife of the year in this house I put a shoulder of lamb in the oven and had all the veges in the steamer just ready to be steamed when TOF got home.  Nothing like walking into the house at the end of the day to the smell of dinner cooking!!  He was impressed, asked if I was ok!!
Going backwards now, on the weekend TOF and I picked the last of our apples and we peeled, sliced and diced in unison in the kitchen, (so romantic) and now all have been stewed and frozen as crumbles.  TOF always manages to produce a novelty or seriously fuct up piece of produce.  This one deserved its very own photo shoot!

With the drop in the temperature of late one of my girls is in serious molt!!  In fact if she keeps this up she may as well walk inside and climb in the oven as no plucking will be required.  Might have to knit her a coat or something.  As luck would have it, so far she is the only one and we are still getting at least 2 eggs a day and BIG ones at that.  Casey was enjoying being hand feed some tomato, she has stopped being clucky and gone back to her dizzy ways in their enclosure.

Today how ever wasn't cold even tho' if you looked out your window you could have been confused and thought we were experiencing Winter.  Plenty of Rain and some blustery Wind!!

I purchased myself a new small pan for poaching my daily egg in over the weekend.  PINK of course so that the blokes know it is mine.  So I tell a lie, I have a poached egg every second day during the week and always on un buttered vogels that is cooked twice so it is crunchy!! The alternate day is banana on my vogels, always with an Earl Grey.  Call me Nana but I love my breakfast routine!!

Before I go here are those Freeshias just merrily going about doing their growing for me!!  You little beauties!!

Can't wait for all the other pots of bulbs to sprout and join in the growing party.

Tomorrow I am having lunch with Sue W and her friend Liz.  We haven't caught up in person for a couple of weeks so I am going to wear a big flower so she will know which one is me!!

* Good night *


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I'm sorry and you are?? They finally reduced that wee shelf down then! I should have come play, but I was kitchen bitch today. See ya tomorrow :D

Vix said...

How fab to bump into a blogger especially one as lovely as Linda! they never disappoint, do they?
What a haul. Love that spotty cardi and the doggies look like butter wouldn't melt, don't they? xxx

OP SHOP MAMA said...

Stop it - you flatter me.. I was wearing my mummy uniform and I fear my hair was more than a bit windswept.. and I was positively underdressed next to you in your fabulous garb..
BUt it was great to finally meet you.. and we must do it again, and soon!
Happy Days!
I LOVE that breakfast routine of yours. Crack up!