Friday 2 August 2013

Spring has Sprung!

Well in my garden it is showing signs of attempting to kick Winters cold wet sorry arse outta town!!
Spring bulbs are starting to bud up and prepare to burst out to announce the next season.
Camellias, Calla lilies, Birds of Paradise with the dainty Allisum, and even the Fennel looks beautiful.
Big pink Chatham Island forget-me-not, sweet violas, a huge pod and the reliable easy to grow Geranium.
 My favourite Winter flowers, Hellebore or Winter Rose.
Who can go past Daphne without filling up on the heady scent it breathes out.  My dads favourite flower, so I grow it in his honor.
The most inquisitive hen in my coup checking out what I was doing out in the garden.  According to the weather dude on TV we are now in Spring.  Sure was warmer this morning, then it got greyer by the second and now it is down right cold and miserable, just in time for the weekend.


Vix said...

That sounds like every season in the Uk - bar Summer 2013! Gorgeous greenery! xxx

Unknown said...

We've just had our warmest July on record! Birds are hatching two months early and the jonquils are already in full bloom. It's mental! Like me!

Sarah xxx