Friday, 4 October 2013

I write lists

Yes I do.  I don't always do everything on my list, and sometimes I even forget to take my list or I lose my list.  But I still write them.  Today's list was pretty big:

As you can see most of the stuff on today's list has been ticked off.  That'll be a first!! Of course there are a few things still to be done.

Soil from the Warehouse. TICK!!!  Finally my Mint got potted up and I also potted up some Micro salad greens, both pots will live on the deck for convenience.  Not on the list but got done was me pruning my Buxus plants.  Decided the two potted ones should be topiary, so snip snip and Bobs your uncle.  I even pruned my teeny tiny hedge that one day will grow up to be an impressive medium sized hedge, but it has a way to go yet.  I planted some more greens in the gardens and then did a spot of hosing, of course while doing said hosing it started to drizzle.  But stopped once I stopped.  Murphy's Law.

Not on my list but I managed to sneak into a couple of op shops while out ticking things off my list.  Top and pants from St Vinnies at Chartwell, which I managed to find while buying TOFs Aniseed Wheels. TICK!! Pants are a size to big but with bobbles on the hems I had to have them and there is always elastic!!  The cool as fringed single bed spread was at Habitat which just happens to be en route to Bunnings where I was going to get the Pink Lavender, TICK!!

These three don't like me much at the moment as they all have been Flea treated and wormed!!  Giving tablets to animals is not easy and there is a lot of bribery and corruption with treats involved. Another thing to TICK off my list ($96 to do this!!)

I made this scrumdiddleumpshish pie for me and TOF to eat tonight when we are traveling.  More on that soon.  That is what the bacon and mushrooms were for.  To go with the eggs, tomato, and feta!!  All wrapped in filo and ready to go.  While this was cooking I paid the bills on line, charged my camera battery, and then faffed about outside.

If you look close at the photo on the left you will see I am wearing the locket I scored yesterday, it is awesome, pretty heavy and just waiting for some pics to go inside.  Guess TOF and the boys will end up in there, but maybe the pets could too. Oh and my tattoos are healing really well!!

It is my sister Helen's birthday on Monday and we are heading over to Whangamata where she lives to stay the night.  Brits at the Beach is on, which I think is similar to Beach Hop but British.  My good friend Leonie and her hubby are going to be there for the weekend at their beach house, up from Wellington.  So for me this is a good opportunity to play catch up.  Whangamata is like 1 and 1/2 hours drive from Hamilton and Wellington is like 8 hours I think, but a whole lot further, so this makes perfect sense.

You like the card I got Helen??  To go with the Pink Lavender shrub and a few other bits I got her for her big day.

I have a large basket that I scored today from Habitat filled with things to take over to my sisters place.  Lots of Lemons and some Tangelos that we were given, eggs from my girls, big jar of fizzy fruit lollies, jar each of Gherkins and Jam  from my stash, a book and a fur bag full of steamy old Mills and Boons for her.  I myself have never read them but she enjoys the quick smutty read.

What hasn't been ticked off my list has now gone onto a new list for Sunday when I am back home.  Note there is plenty of room to add more!!

TOF has got home early so we are having a hot drink, and then we shall throw a few things in the car and head off.  Hopefully the weather will be nice tomorrow for this British Car thingy.  I shall take photos and share when I return.

So until then, have a lovely weekend, be kind to yourself and others and enjoy today's words of wisdom!!


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Have a great time, would love to go check it out but have to take a trip to Taupo tomorrow, just for the day. :D

Vix said...

Those pets look mighty pissed off with you. Ours hate being done!
I love the bedspread and that locket is wonderful. Your sister's gift basket is such a fab gift to take, I love that idea! xxx

Serenata said...

I had to laugh at the expressions on your animals faces...they do look rather put out!

Have a great weekend.

Peaches McGinty said...

that's a huge list! you are a productive and efficient woman! the pets do look annoyed, the kitty is especially pissed off, my cats are like that though! if I disturb their nap they snap me a look of disgust hehe x have fun on your trip, the card and prezzies are fab! x x