Sunday, 23 February 2014

Go to your room and stay there

Saturday morning I headed to Lake Rotoroa which is really know by most in the Tron as Hamilton Lake.  I had read in our local paper that there was a Gypsy fair there for the weekend so this was my reason for going to the lake.

I will admit to being some what disappointed as the Gypsy Fair was incredibly small.  I can remember years ago when the Gypsies (and I use that word lightly) came to town it was an amazing collection of fabulous house trucks, interesting people, and hand crafts.  Now it is old buses, imported crap and uninterested looking traders that is making its way on the so called circuit.  Whatever happened to "handcrafted things"?

Thankfully the lake is a lovely place to visit, smack bang in the middle of the city and always well populated by people and ducks!!  I had to take a pic of the grandparents at the swings.  Obviously grandpa was at a loose end because he got on a swing and got swinging!!  There was this couple with bags of bread that they were feeding to a huge flock of birds.  There is an assortment of ducks, swans, geese and pukeko, all very well fed but convinced they are all starving!!

Even tho the morning was overcast it was still quite picturesque and peaceful.  It always is down at the lake.  The Hamilton Yacht Club has been based there forever and there is a walkway the entire circumference of the lake.  I myself have not walked the entire walk, (I only like the part that borders onto the posh houses where you can look into their gardens) but I know plenty who have and still do.

As the morning started to turn warm (and ended up insanely HOT!!) I headed to the shop to drop off pile number two from my sort.  I spent a couple of hours there listing my treasures to be sold.  Next thing it was one o'clock and I was hanging out for lunch so off I home I went and that is where I stayed.  The rest of the weekend has been spent pottering about at home mainly in my reclaimed Girls only room.  I totally love it.  I quite like the idea of being sent to "my room"!!

That so would have been me if the naughty corner existed in my day rather than a good old smack on the legs or bare bottom!!


Unknown said...

Hope you had a good day, we loved it there , we stayed for a couple of nights,dont ask me where lol but not far,we sat on a seat over looking the lake ,i do remember lol

Curtise said...

The lake looks beautiful. Well done on all your sorting and decluttering, you don't have to stand in the naughty corner today! xxx

Peaches McGinty said...

Great day though! it must be something special having your own place and space and well done on the sort out, you are on a roll! x x x

Helga said...

I can't think of anything better than being sent to my room for naughty behaviour!!!
I have only ever been to one gypsy fair, and I didn't really fancy it!

Angels have Red Hair said...

I love the idea of a space just for me ... even "my" armchair can usually be found occupied by a boy or a husband or a dog.

Vix said...

That lake looks wonderful! well done on the tidying, a productive afternoon! x

OP SHOP MAMA said...

Yeh the 'gypsy Fairs ' are shite these days. I used to travel around with them selling stuff I made (I had a boyfriend with a truck) and it was ace!! $2 shop shit now - bummer!!
I have got to do some serious sorting... this is my year to do it - I have until August!!! x

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

That's Rotorua yer daft tart