Saturday, 8 March 2014

It is just a little drive

Well that is what I told TOF!!

I needed to go and pick up some out door chairs I had purchased off trade me and it turned out they were in the country just out of Cambridge, which isn't that far from here.  But to lure TOF into being my driver/navigator as I am crap at rural driving and reading maps, I said it was just a little drive.

Just before Cambridge is the newly completed Velodrome, home of cycling in the Waikato.  Pretty impressive building and I am keen to go watch a bit of cycling one day or just have a sneaky purve at some dudes in cycling gear.  I like Cambridge as it is quite a pretty place, loads of trees and gorgeous old style houses.  Oh and of course the fabulous old church on a major intersection.  But there is lots of new homes being built and a massive express way is under construction at the moment that will by pass this gorgeous town.

Out of Cambridge we headed and into the county side we went.  Up hills and down dales, past Pine tree fields full of sheep and a herd of cows a top a hill that TOF suggested were having a summit!!

It is very dry out in the farmlands of the Waikato and out this way was no exception.  After only one   wrong turn and a bit of back tracking we made it to the farm where we were to collect the chairs.  Easy peasy!!

Heading back home the views back to Cambridge were stunning.  Even tho' it is all dry as a bit of stale bread, the scenery is still beautiful. 

It's Horsey land out this way.  Another thing Cambridge is well known for, that and Rowing and now Cycling is being added to the list. 

So these are the chairs.  The ones with arm rest.  Four chairs with cushions for $50, so a mere $12.50 each, bloody good buying!!  Yeah yeah I know, need to weed the paving stones.  We have a trailer that we have loaded with garden waste at the moment to go off to the dump tomorrow, but it looks like we will be doing two loads so maybe the weeding could get done.

In the post today were these to gorgeous things!!  Both bought off Trade Me and will be worn next week as they are so bright and colourful. Yummo!!!

I have spent the afternoon making bunting for Max's 21st, using around 150 photos of his life over the last 21 years, all laminated and now made into bunting to be hung up outside.

He said to me, No embarrassing photos aye mum?

Of course not, none of them are embarrassing to me!!  I took most of them.

Jak has told him just to relax and enjoy. The whole purpose of celebrating his birthday is to have photos and speeches.


What will I say??

Should I make notes, or just make it all up on the night?  Think I will just wing it, best way for me to do this, totally unprepared, unrehearsed and uncensored.  Should be interesting to say the least, maybe I won't have to say anything, but I should, shouldn't I?  Anyway I have a week so no worries.


Angels have Red Hair said...

Can you please post a video of your speech … I have a feeling it's going to be a good one ;0)

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Don't worry I'll video it!! Bahahahh!

Peaches McGinty said...

Looking forward to the speech! and the photo's are a Mum's right! Abby, my eldest moaned about her 16th huge pic, I loved it! good luck with it all! (i love your trade me tops) x x x

Curtise said...

You know, despite the fact that we have obviously never met, I feel quite convinced that you will have plenty to say in your speech, Sue! I can't imagine you being lost for words somehow...
Oh what lovely countryside, stunning views, and the chairs were a great buy.
Love the idea of laminated photos as bunting, might have to pinch that one... xxx

Helga said...

O, lovely pix of such lovely countryside!!!
Great deal on the outdoor setting! It's bloody amazing what a gal can score for so little!
We'd like to see the bunting, and hear or at least read, the speech!! Please!

Vix said...

We call them Mamils - middle aged men in lycra. Don't do it for me but perv away!
Great buys with the cahirs, well worth the road trip and that bright top is fabulous! xxx