Friday, 9 May 2014

Feeling the love all day and I am only 25!!!

I turned

 My gorgeous friend Vicki
popped in on her way to work
and gave me this sweet
Thanks sweet pea!!

Oscar made a bed in my

Sue arrived in for a Suesday out
and gave me this
bloody fabulous brooch
she made
just for me!!!
Awe thanks mate.

 We were beyond excited to be going out!!

The Sues were ready
to go hit the op shops!!

These are my scores.

Sue shouted me lunch.
Chicken on focaccia bread for me
Beef Thai salad for her.

We keep getting asked if we are sisters?
Yeah, both called Sue!!!
Thanks SISTA for a great day out!!!

And there was more!!!

Jak got home from work and gave me
Oh Yeah, felling the love!
Been wanting one of these babies for ever.

Then we picked up Max
we went out for dinner.
(Speights Ale House) 

Max shouted me a feed for my birthday!!!

Thanks lads
you made
mummies day!!!

Love you both heaps!!
(TOF is still away with work but rang this morning)


Angels have Red Hair said...

Happy Birthday Lovely Lady ... Love the picture of the frolicking Sues.

Fiona said...

Happy Birthday and I'm only 3 months behind you. Not getting stressed about numbers anymore, have heard of so many deaths in the last few weeks I'm just glad to still be here.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Awesome day! ♥♥ Glad you liked your brooch.

Beth Waltz said...

Felicitations on the celebration of your natal day, dear Sue!

Thank you for sharing this especially joyous Suesday with us.
(Like Fiona, I've been bogged in a dark valley of mortality recently. I was cheered by your announcement of a new chicken!)

Peaches McGinty said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU GORGEOUS WOMAN!!! 52 is looking flaming wonderful! you two look awesome and I am in love with your polka dot, petticoat dream of an outfit! the brooch is beautiful - I want to come out with you two! x x x

Connie said...

Happy Happy Birthday!! What a wonderful Suesday!

Vix said...

Happy Birthday to you!! Love the photos of you and Sue together, just gorgeous. xxxxx

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Happy Birthday from Nova Scotia. Looks like you had a marvelous day!

Serenata said...

Well just look at you two! What an absolutely fantastic photo of you both ready for action, I love it! Next time I am over I am DEFINITELY coming down to hit the town with you both!

A very happy birthday looks like you had a fabulous day.

Helga said...

I frigging LOVE that pic of you two Sues!!!! Splendid madness!
Happiest of days, darl. You've had a right corker!!!! So much goodness, I feel all cheery inside!

Goody said...

Happy Birthday!

Suesday is a magnificent idea, and you both looked wonderful.

You have the right idea about birthdays-why dread them when you can celebrate with style and cheer?

Many happy returns, Sue.

Shawna McComber said...

Happy Birthday, Sue! It looks like an awesome day and now there are two Sues whose wardrobes i want to steal. Your friend looks lovely but I would totally mug her and steal that outfit. And you look divinely delicious in your party frock! I love the thought of the two of you skipping off down the street to the op shops.
Sons, they are a beautiful thing. I've only got one, but he is my pride and joy of course. As lovely as an adult as he was as a wee child. I LOVE the photo of you with your boys.

Curtise said...

Happy fifty-fucking-second birthday, Sue!
You and sister Sue had fun together, I can tell, those pics of the pair of you are fabulous! xxxx

Julie said...

Hi Sue ... Happy 52nd birthday tooo yooouuuu :-)
I love that pic of you & your friend Sue heading off out together - its just perfect!! Love all your Op Shop finds ... no wonder the Op Shops were looking depleted on my last visit. Sounds like you had a wonderful day & I ADORE that brooch you were given. Happy Weekend to you :-) Julie (Oh p.s gorgeous photo of you & your sons also ... I have 2 boys too)

Poppy Q said...

Happy Birthday Sue!! You made me smile in your sunny outfit on a grey day. Looks like you had great fun!

Julie and Poppy Q