Wednesday, 14 May 2014

You can shelter under my Umbrella

But which one?

Being in a house full of blokes any plain old brollie used to get taken by them and never returned, so I resorted to buying Girlie umbrellas!  Pleased to report it has worked now for many a Winter.  If I am going to be out in the rain I am going to have a kick arse gorgeous umbrella above me to keep me dry!!

Today has been grim and wet and quite Wintery looking.  I will even concede and say it is getting colder.  Time for an extra blanket on the bed and the old gas heater has been getting a thrashing at night, but lets not tell TOF!!

Hey thanks for all the well wishes, I passed them onto my gorgeous old man Tex.  He totally appreciated your combined concern, so much so that he got his act together and is pretty much back to his normal glorious self! There's a few good years left in him yet, phew!

Yep, he is back in pole position in front of the heater, occasionally suffering the company of Oscar, and sharing with Sheba as might has right.

I found this today at Habitat, I have a Cactus one that I have owned for years, well to tell the truth I think it might be Max's.  They are way cool clocks!! 

TOF phoned last night and it looks like he will be home not this weekend but next.  The dogs wait for him every night, they will be beyond excited when he does get home.  He thinks he will be home for a week and then back up to Kerikeri. BASTARD WORK!!! But I am not allowed to tell his boss he is a knob!!  BORING!!  I was so up for telling him 'no wonder you are divorced'.  I seriously do not how people deal with a partner working away from home for months on end.  Sure the money is good but that is all.  I would far rather have TOF here, and I suspect he would rather be here to.


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Joe used to work away quite regularly when we were in the UK, did it here a few times too, he did a month up at the refinery some years back. I don't like it either and he doesn;t do it anymore thankfully, but like you say it's good money and it's work, so he can't turn it down. You get used to it. Bring your PJs and the dogs next week when Joe's on nights and we'll have a chick flick night :D

Poppy Q said...

Glad to hear that Tex is feeling better, poor old fella. It is getting chilly now, a bit colder tonight in Wellington too. The electric blanket is on.

Julie and Poppy Q

Poppy Q said...

Glad to hear that Tex is feeling better, poor old fella. It is getting chilly now, a bit colder tonight in Wellington too. The electric blanket is on.

Julie and Poppy Q

Curtise said...

So are you going to sneak off for that dirty weekend with TOF then? Go on, your lads can take care of the pets!
So please gorgeous Tex is feeling better. Nice array of brollies - I have a terrible habit of breaking mine... xxx

Vix said...

So glad Tex is eating again! I've got a bit of a brolly fetish, too, love them! xxx

Shawna McComber said...

I love umbrellas and fall for the colours and patterns. I bought one yesterday. It rains a lot where I live so I think this is a very valid thing, my brolly buying habit.
So glad Max is doing better.
I suppose it's generally not a good idea to point out to bosses when they are knobs, tempting as it is. Glad TOF will be home for a bit. It must be so hard.

Peaches McGinty said...

I'm chuffed Tex is feeling better! what a relief and he must be very happy in front of the heater too! Your brolly collection is magnificent, really pretty and all so gorgeous, I confess I don't have one, I fear for people when I have one - I have been banned from calling a few bosses knobs too, it's been very tempting though x x x

Helga said...

O, darling Tex, so sorry he hasn't been well. The scrumptious beast is giving me the eye!
I hardly ever use a brolly! I have a fine leopard one, but I prefer not to go out at all in the rain, if I can help it!!! Plays havoc with my hair.
My G had to go to Australia for work one year; I think it was one week a month or something for ages, and I couldn't stand it. The only good thing about it was that it prompted me to learn to drive. We rarely spend a night apart. It's suck. He better bring some pressies!

Goody said...

The bamboo handled umbrella is a beauty. For years we were in a drought and I hardly needed one-now it rains 4 inches at a time and we flood. Feast or famine.

Glad Tex is on the mend. It looks like the worst part of the quilt is done, so it might be simple enough to finish. Really pretty though, it makes you wonder why it was never finished.

Angels have Red Hair said...

My Hubby has always travelled for work ... in fact when the boys were little they hardly ever saw him. So I am pretty used to him being away. I look on the bright side ... toast becomes an acceptable dinner menu ... I get the whole bed to myself ... and no one keeps me awake snoring ... SCORE!!!
TOF's boss might read your blog ... in which case you just told him ... Hahahaha!!!!

Leeanne said...

Love your selection of brolly's! Sad you are missing your man.