Monday, 3 November 2014

Because I can, I did, and I dare you to do it too!!

Hello all, ever since Shawna in Canada made a video of herself talking I have thought how much fun it would be to give it ago.  So today when I got home from work, no one was home except the pets.  

This meant Video Time!!!

Are you Ready?

And Just in case you want more.....

Now you have all heard me
how about you all do the same!!

P L E A S E ! !


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Like that :D Now I know what yer posh voice sounds like hahhahahah! :D Nah really it's great, Sisters are doing for themselves....sing it sister! xx

Poppy Q said...

Hahaha good on you Sue.

Vix said...

Lovely to see and hear you in action! xxx
PS I did an interview with a US blogger on a You Tube channel ages ago, I still can't bring myself to watch it.

Helga said...

Hahhaa, fabularsehole!
I have done a few, but ages ago...hmmm, might take you up on that...
Did I tell you I scored that navy handbag off Trade Me?! I also scored that square dance frock, but suspect it will go to Sarah. Will know when it arrives.Bless you, Personal Shopper! XXX

Fiona said...

How fab to hear you, slightly disappointed you didn't mention Jandals tho.(a very NZ word) Maybe you could throw it in next time along with some others? haha. I'd love to do one meself (NOT!) but I haven't got a webcam.

Goody said...


So nice to be able to put a voice to a friend's face.

Leeanne said...

Well done chickie! You will not want me doing the same! But hey no need to pop on a plane to visit me as I am just up the road!

Peaches McGinty said...

SUE, SUE, SUE!! how flaming cool are you!! and yes, what a sisterhood it is! it really is good to hear your voice - I may think about this though, I love the Scouse accent to bits, but mine ain't pretty haha! x x x

Curtise said...

You know, I thought you would sound like that, and be a natural chatter! How lovely to hear you, and see the doggies in action too, that was hilarious!
Gawd, don't know if I can do a video, it might be beyond my technical ability, and my courage! xxx

Shawna McComber said...

I love you too but I am not going to lick you. That was fun! You sound like my relatives but then they do actually live in NZ so that kinds of makes sense. You are gorgeous and fun and I really do want you to show up to visit but you have to bring all of the animals.

Raewyn said...

What fun!! So glad you're in the sisterhood :-) I've met 2 of my bloggy friends (USA) and skype with 3 more - it really is a fun thing!!!

Angels have Red Hair said...

LOVE IT … I don't think I could do it though … the sound of my voice recorded makes me cringe ;0P