Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Are you ready??

So in my part of world it is now Christmas Eve.
for the festive season
in this house go a little like this.

This is a must and should be done daily even after the big day.

This way you have the very best time!

Make sure you have plenty of delicious supplies on hand.

This is essential!

So our gifts are under our tree
one each
because that is all we need.

What ever you end up doing, go to, and be with on the 25th, make sure you enjoy yourself.  If you don't then it is time to make a change because this day should be about being happy and relaxed.  I want to thank all you people out in Blog land that follow my blog, especially those who comment.  There was a fleeting moment where I nearly stopped, but I am glad I didn't. Life is too short, so laugh at yourself, not others, have an opinion, your own, and never be afraid to try something new.

The last word goes to......


The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

Great post, just working on mine now, Have a lovely Christmas and maybe we'll bump into you tomorrow.

Julie said...

Have a wonderful day tomorrow Sue - yes I think I am ready. Keep up your blog as it is a wonderful place to visit & never fails to make me laugh. So thanks for that my friend :-) And give Tex a big pat from me x0x0x

Leeanne said...

Haha............Merry Cheery Christmas have a happy chilled out ole time! See you next post!

Marja said...

lol that was funny Meri kihirimete
Hope you have some wonderful day with your bunch Ahoranui Marja

SAM said...


You are a dose of sunshine. No, I'm not ready but by 4:00 p.m. ready will be whatever state things are at because thats when celebrating commences. Merry Christmas!

Beth Waltz said...

Thank you, Sue, for your photos and op-eds which I treasure as an antidote to the daily deluge of ghastly images and information I must absorb as part of my job.

Can't decide which I like best about this holiday greeting: TOF in a state of relaxation, or Tex in a state of agitation.

To quote a wisewoman:

"Dressed the cat in gay apparel...put myself in mortal peril..." La, la, la, la!

Goody said...

I laughed 'till it hurt at the girls in Santa caps!

The online Santa Tracker tells me he's already been to your part of the world, so happy Christmas, and I'm going to follow your lead and get plenty of rest.

Peaches McGinty said...

I will follow your advice to the letter!! lot's of rest it is!! and a drink too! You KNOW I love you and your Blog!! Have an awesome Christmas!! x x x

Raewyn said...

Hope your chilled out day has got off to a roaring start! Have a wonderful day!! How did you manage to keep the chooks still for long enough to put the Santa hats on them???!!!